Misplaced my purple camera. If I can't find it within a week, I'll buy a new one.
Facebook poem of the day
Come over, she said, and plied me
with gifts before she moved into
Rydal Farms and abandoned us
here on planet earth.
Four round clay tiles are mine
One, an elephant, his trunk
held high rests on the wall
of my downstairs bathroom.
They do like water, you know.
Have you seen them spray muddy water
through their schnozz onto their
tiny Babars?
After we've gone to dust
we're remembered by our
favorite things. She could have
thrown out her clay tiles. My God,
what she did throw into the trash.
My old books, crawling with moving dots
called bugs, was just whisked away by
the melodious trash trucks. Were I a rock band
with a gig tonight at the Keswick, you'd hear
us introduced as The Melodious Trash Trucks.
Brought home the exercise sheet. As I drove home, I looked at the clock. 10 a.m.
Mon dieu, thinks I. I can still make the 11 am film at the Hunt. Valley Library.
Am guessing that Roger Ebert would give it a 3 out of 5.
He did. He loved the energy. It's a remake.
On the other hand, here's a review that I do agree with DO NO GO IN STYLE - OR OTHERWISE - TO ZACH BRAFF'S GOING IN STYLE.

Slept thru much of the film. I recognized Alan Arkin, Morgan Freeman but could not place Michael Caine, who has fallen off the bench.
Was sitting next to a woman named Lesia, a lovely woman. Her name is pronounced Lesha and is Ukrainian.
She's there every week as am I but we never saw each other until today. We sat and talked while everyone put away their chairs when I popped the question: would you like to go out for coffee.
I know all the restaurants around there so I chose Riccardo's. When Scott and I were first going - we've been together 11 years - I thanked him for fixing something for me by taking him there.
Scott HATES going out to eat.
It's just the way he is.
Lesia, who lives in the Northeast, lost a son who fought in Afghanistan and was in the military for perhaps 22 years. He did fine in Afghan but comes home and is killed instantly in a motorcycle accident.
Dyou believe that?
We gabbed for a long time while enjoying the pizza we ordered. I also had a cuppa coffee. Suddenly I remembered: Oh no, I'm supposed to see a married couple today at two pm.
Relax, I thought. Enjoy yourself. They will either be there or have left for their retirement community.
Couldn't believe my luck. Their Nissan was in front of my house. We went inside and talked for more than an hour. Both are in their late 70s.
They have a severe problem. They do not talk to each other.
What's to talk about, said the guy.
I got an idea, mentioned it to them and they agreed to do it.
Called my mom and asked if she'd like to be in our Coffee Clatch. We'll have to think of a name for it. Mom doesn't like people coming to her house, so I said, Well, can you get into my house.
So I've got the married couple, mom, and Nancy, across the street, and I'd like to invite Eileen who lives next door.
Mom suggested her friend Hildegund, so perhaps she'd come to, a very frisky encouraging woman.
I'm really excited about this. We don't want our old people to feel their life has lost purpose.
My friend Helene lives in Rydal Park
Anything else? Have I covered the waterfront, Marce?