He did indeed send me my letter stating the date I got Blue Cross Blue Shield. 11-1-2011. Now I can send in the paperwork to get this important card.
Diabetes is an expensive condition, not to mention deadly. Stay safe you darling little toes!
Tonite's goal was to collect all the papers and stuff em back in the credenza. All the important papers are in this Kronic Renal envelope.
Then I spent 20 minutes driving around trying to find Mailman Dante Aligheri - author of Inferno, Paradiso, and Purgatory.
Twenty minutes, but I did find him.

Hello handsome, says his love Beatrice!
Who needs DQ when the Dunkin Donuts
is 7 minutes away. I pull in, backwards,
and saunter inside, in my khaki shorts
and striped top.
Help me, I ask the Indian gentleman
at the counter. He and his wife,
standing at his side, have been
married 33 years.
An iced coffee, I say, with flavor abundant.
"I hear caramel, mocha...."
"Mocha, please," I say. His wife
fills up the see-thru plastic cup.
Where is everyone, I say.
They've all gone home, says he.
Do you have any pretzel thingees? I ask.
Then mutter under my breath, no, that's
How about croissants, mon favorite.
His wife toasts it and I pour more
tip money in the jar.
Too cheap, I say. At this, he goes
nuts! Brings over two donuts -
No! I can't, I say, I have diabetes.
"These have no sugar," he says,.
bringing two replacements.
What a ride home I have!
Sucking on my mocha coffee,
listening to the memoir of
Philip Glass - he'll later
compose Einstein on the Beach
And dropping crumbs on my lap
from that astonishingly tasty
pretzel croissant.
Listen to Einstein on de beach here.
Hey, I forgot to tell you! When I was having problems with my Verizon bill, I got this email.
Rahul Mehlawat has left a new comment on your post "Verizon Phone Bill - The Continuing Saga":
I like your post
Mr. John Harrobin is the former Chief Marketing Officer of Verizon
So you think homo sapiens
are complicated? We, with our
Dostoyevsky's, our Vladimir
Putins with the soft blue eyes,
and The Grateful Dead Hour
on XPN, long after Jerry has
been churned into ice cream.
They've come out of hiding,
the urge to mate is so strong.
Don't look now but they were
hiding under the backyard deck,
beneath the bark of the sycamore,
inside the BBQ grill in every
American's home.
I hail and salute them!
Bonne nuit, says I, as I
goes out on me front porch,
What a splendid night.
Not a single firefly out.
Would you make love in
the rain? Be patient,
little men. Your little
gals await. And
babes aplenty.
Blink on, blink off, blink on, blink off.
Count your blessings, Dear Reader.
Don't be shy. Send me one blessing.
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