A word about FB. I didn't like my 'profile picture' so when I ate at the Demings on Sunday nite, I had Dan photograph me and post it on Facebook.
It's a 'head shot,' which you might also call a 'mug shot' and has me grinning from ear to ear. I have never appeared in public in such a goofy face, tho now I'm sitting on the red couch affecting this pose.

I wanted an exciting background, so I stood against the Demings' fridge with these paintings which are either by
Grace Deming OR
the late Cy Twombly, 1928 to 2011.
Cy, you may know, has an entire room devoted to the Trojan War at the Phila Museum of Art. Name of the exhibit is "50 Days at Iliam."
Twombly, an American, moved to Rome to be close to his classical sources.
Wiki - Twombly was born in Lexington, Virginia on April 25, 1928. Twombly's father, also nicknamed "Cy", pitched for the Chicago White Sox.[5] They were both nicknamed after the baseball great Cy Young who pitched for, among others, the Cardinals, Red Sox, Indians, and Braves.
He was also a cryptographer in WWII, which, says Wiki, influenced his later style of painting.
When I got in my car to drive to the Demings on Sunday nite I felt a jab in my eye.
It felt like a shard of glass had punctured my eyeball. A brief twinge of pain that quickly subsided.
When I got to Dan's, he noticed a huge lump on my inner left eyelid.
How strange it looked in the meer, and what was it?
Undaunted, I poured water over my hair in the downstairs baffroom, toweled it off and combed my hair for the photo.
After dinner, Dan said "It's much better, Mom."
So he snapped away.
Facebook makes fools of us all. Especially yours truly.
I just snagged the above photo off FB and noticed that Lori Meed had praised the glory of God in her sunrise photo.
Breakfast time.
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