When I showed Grace my new carpet, she said, "Purple is my favorite color."
"There are many shades of purple," I said. "This is called lavender. Can you say Lavender?"
She is so fast. She was all over the house.
When you get older, I said, you can sleep in this room. The couch becomes a bed.
I woke up super-early this morning, was wide awake, had a delicious egg-mushroom omelet and then went into this room to meditate.
I tried a new mantra - Soft Belly - from a book I'm reading called "Unstuck" by James S Gordon, MD - and fell into a deep sleep.
This book is outstanding! In fact, I'm gonna send an email to my entire group suggesting they read this non-medication approach to wellness.
He claims - and he may be correct - that there is no such disease entity as "depression." He has not mentioned bipolar d/o so far.
Max was all over the house. He's wearing his Spiderman sneakers.
He's in my office where I have his photos on the bulletin board above my computer.
Who's this? I asked.
Me, he said, and quickly ran away.
He takes the stairs on foot or on butt.
I photographed Grace but my camera is so slow - and she is so fast - all I got was her pink jacket. She had re-arranged my refrigerator magnets.
Grace loved this whatcha-ma-call-it I bought at the American Visionary Museum. She said she would like to have it.
Maybe on your b'day, I said.
What I really want, she said, is a new chapter book.
Come with me, I said. I went downstairs to the bookcase and finally found Flicka, Ricka, Dicka. My mom and I would walk to the Lee Road Library in Cleveland Heights, and we'd check out these marvelous tales by Swedish author Maj Lindman (1886-1972).
Dan spun them in my purple chair. I often sit in this chair eating my b'fast and listening to an audio tape.
Mommy is home sick. Really sick with some sort of cold.
Scott invited us over to see his train collection. Dan asked if he still adds things to it.
Absolutely, said Scott, who was about 30 when he started putting it together. As a kid, he broke his dad's train collection b/c he always took things apart to see how they worked.
He had no idea he would some day work as a trouble-shooter at SEPTA.
Max was absolutely riveted!!!
At one point, Grace stuck her finger on the track, and Scott said, "Move your finger. We don't wanna cause a trail derailment."
Here's a SEPTA train now, whizzing by.
Who's this man? Why it's Scott Sherman. They've erected a statue in his name for founding this little town. It has various names, depending on the stations. One of them is, ugh, Plasticville.
Said Dan, "Glad you still have my sign."
He got it outside a park near where his friend A.J. used to live.
Dan, I said, dyou mean to say you s-t-o-l-e it?
Yep, he said.
Then we heard a loud thump!
It was Grace jumping down the stairs. She'd been exploring the upstairs of Scott's house.
Once I could get thru the first 10 minutes, which was so sophomoronic, I watched it. It was overly long, silly, filled with jokes a 13-yo boy would like, but it did hold my interest. Probly b/c of the acting.
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