I now do it for 20 minutes, in Sarah's old bedroom.
As previously mentioned, I now enjoy it much more since I don't say a regular mantra.
"Sitting quietly, doing nothing" floated into my brain. When the timer went off - I keep it on the desk downstairs - I looked it up.
First, tho, lemme mention that when I first began, my mind was all over the place. That's b/c, I decided, while meditating, it was already noon and I'd had EXPERIENCES.
Alan Watts, 1915-1973, author of "The Way of Zen" brought meditation to the Western world.
While meditating, I decided to pray to God. God or Fate has been very good to me. I shouldn't say he hasn't been good to other people - the people of the Afghan, Iraq, Yemen and the like - but then I decided to instead pray to the God of Cowbell Road.
Which I did not.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing.
Spoke to my sister Donna last night for a good 45 minutes.
Tell me, I said to her, exactly how it happened.
And she told me, naming the various bids she and her realtor Bobbi made for the house she will take possession of.
View it here.
Bobbi, she told me, lives in a beautiful assisted living facility nearby. Donna, who, like me, loves a great home, visited.
In the short story I'm working on right now, my main character Naomi was raised in such a facility. Ah, the value of recent conversations.
On my To Do List was editing a couple of stories for the Compass, which I did, and then forwarded to Ada to proofread. Also was writing a short story which has a recent deadline, can't remember when.
I was so exhausted I had to go to bed. I was so mad!
Fell into a marvelous sound sleep and awoke around 3 am.
Quickly went to work on the short story, tentatively called The Unlikely Psychiatrist, and the words came flowing out! Again, I wanna say, the writing portion of my brain is so different than the speaking one. I do not speak with elegance or much intelligence.
Yes, Ruth. Leave that sentence in.
While I write I have a nervous habit of checking my emails.
And there it was, with the heading: Your true short story.
Lethal Weapons was published in Literary Yard. Where on earth did I hear of Literary Yard? I do not remember. Read it here.
Onkar Sharma is the editor. Went online and found it's an Indian name.
Nice guy. I thanked him and told him I was working on a piece of fiction. He wished me luck.
When I went back to bed it was getting light. I can see the light from the tiny high window behind my bed.
I started thinking, Hey, if they published my story, maybe they're a lousy publication. I needn't have worried.
Enjoy your day, rodeo fans!
Robin writes: Thanks for sharing your latest publication. I Loved it! Always wondered about that house myself. Your writing is so visual. I was scared when he bolted the apartment door!