I read him a book - for a nano-second - and there was a ball in it.
"Any balls in the house?" I asked him.
Max doesn't speak yet, but has a very loud stock answer for everything which sounds likeTeguchigalpa, the capital city of Honduras.
He ran and got the ball, purple and studded with spikes. We rubbed them against our faces.
Watching a program about cars and trucks.
Grace was sitting at table in her karate uniform.
A big doll was sitting next to her in a chair.
I picked up the doll and said, "Grace, you've shrunk!"
"That's not me," she laffed. "I'm right here.
When Dan got home, he was shocked Max had pulled out the scale. I had no idea what it was until he stood on it.
I was pleased since I'm trying to lose weight.
Max stands on a chair in the living room to watch for Jezebel the cat next door.
I held him up at the front door to see what was outside and who should be arriving after only 50 minutes?
He invited me to join them at Romp n Roll.
I was to follow them.
He said he was very good at leading the way.
And he was.
You take your shoes off when you get there and put em in a little cubbyhole.
The blond guy on the left is from Ukraine. He has a lovely little daughter, whose name is something like Elfona.
In my experience, when you see someone who looks Russian, they're probly from Ukraine.
Everything is foam-padded so you won't hurt yourself. The kids get very excited and often bump into one another.
Max tosses the guitars out of the way.
Miss Allison has wonderful activities for the youngsters and oldsters. Little Tyler in the striped pants was my favorite tyke.
Max was totally uninterested in waving the ribbons.
Drum time! Dan predicted which drum and mallet Max would choose.
Each of these triangles has a mirror on one side.
Max loved this.
Hello Little Tyler in the jailbird pants.
They always end with Bubbles. Max opened his mouth and tried to eat one.
As soon as they open the doors to this big room, Max tears inside. He loves to run.
What a great time we had.
Was exhausted when I woke up since I'd been up until 2 am working on a short story for today's Writers' Group.
My car was covered with frost which I had to scrape off.
Worst of all, the sun was at a low angle and I couldn't see anything. I pulled over on the side of the road and poked my head out the window, so I could find where the cars were parked on the side of the road.
I could not disappoint them and be late!
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