Ada and Rich debated the meaning of snow showers. When I wanted to hear them talking, I needed to lean f/w from the back seat.
I took 105 fotos at the show, including our fantastic dinner at the Jarrettown Inn afterward.
Twas a day of walking, eating, injecting insulin, and viewing all manner of animals - except swine, who had left early - and going over the News Roundup for the Compass in the car.
Waiting in line for the many shuttle buses that brot us from the parking lot to the humongous convention center. Great idea to use that facility in the winter, when not much else is going on.
Yes, Rich, I'm following along. Not always easy once we got inside.
No, I said, I'm not thinking of buying the cab of a four-wheeler, altho there were easy payment plans, I just think they're awful purty.
Our first snack. I got a sweet potato with butter and cinnamon. Rich got a potato, a variety called something like Nannyhonk, which I finished for him.
10 units of insulin.
Lots of Mennonites with their children.
Remember, these are farm people who attend, in addition to city slickers.
Demonstration of horses drawing carriages. Double-click to enlarge.
I like shots of the engaged audience.
At the end, Stacey, whose daughter was in the show, asked for audience Qs.
I got her attn and asked if the horses enjoy the performance.
She said they definitely do. Look at their erect ears, she said. That shows they're happy.
What's an alpaca?
The breeders and growers were there, showing off their wares.
Let's knit a pshawl or a sweater. Ada put in a $2 raffle ticket to win a pshawl.
I said if I see a nice backpack, I'll buy it.
Some sweaters were priced at $180. These are handmade of course.
Ada, Rich and I were nice n warm.
Say hello to Jimmy Dean. He was gonna enter the sheep-shearing contest.
Tools for the sheep-sheerer. The sheep actually like the procedure. Some will fall asleep, it's so relaxing.
His real job is in IT. His wife tricked him into helping sheer sheep, he said, so he thot he enter the contest.
We rooted for him up in the stands, Go Jimmy Dean go! Someone was faster than he was, though.
Oops, excuse my udders, to which my teats are attached. I just finished writing a short story about a woman who flees her miserable life and goes to Lancaster, PA, to become an Amish woman. Did online research on milking a cow.
But now I checked it out with some real farm people.
Emily and Austin live on a huge farm. See aerial view below. All along the turnpike as we drove home, we saw farms and silos.
Long line waiting to buy peacock feathers and other products from Dale's peacock farm.
Have a question about peacocks and penhens? Ask Dale.
New Beginnings Farm... getting ready for competition by shearing a small sheep or is it a lamb?
Heather and her family run the farm. Told her I run a support group New Directions. Her friend has bipolar and is getting a degree in physical therapy.
Instead of counting sheep to fall asleep, I watch Charlie Rose. He had on a jazz pianist I'd never heard of: Marcus Roberts. He's blind and is a professor at Florida State.
Charlie also had on Marco Rubio and another Republican double-talker from Colorado, Cory Gardner. Charlie put them in their place.
Nuts for sale! Nuts for sale!
I am NOT for sale, I say, stomping my foot.
When I lived in TX, we'd use a tool like this to open pecans.
Hi Skeet! His real name is something like Irwin. See website here.
I took several taste tests and chose Garlic Cheddar for $5. Can't wait to taste it.
Dig this! I thought these women below were dressed up as former Mrs. Americas.
They were not!
This woman is 81 years old today and very attractive.
Pennsylvania grows many varieties of apples we don't see at the Giant or Wegman's or Whole Foods.
We took taste tests. Oh, my aching pancreas.
A butter sculpture below. I am a big fan of butter and often make eggs in butter. Unsalted, of course.
This amazing display is made from Mushrooms. It's a suggested menu for the Superbowl.
Above are mushroom growing out of a plastic bag. I spose there's dirt inside.
These are the button mushrooms most people buy.
Award-winning onions.
Award-winning table centerpiece, made of Greens!
Why didn't I think of that.
Okay, please turn the page to Part Two.
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