Since it's one of those drizzly days, I wanted to make some hot soup. Onion soup. Had "Chef Dan" paged at the Giant Supermarket. He was pushing a cart filled with food for his evening class, "$20 a head he told me."
He's a big guy, but told me his bro weighs over 400 pounds.
Told me to slowly simmer the onions. Four onions. Other ingredients: lo-sodium chicken broth, minced garlic, bay leaves, cinnamon and grated nutmeg.
Served it with Havarti cheese.
It's a hit!
With who?
With me, that's who!
While I cook I listen to this award-winning young adult book about a dystopian world. That, paired with The Shining, in the car, might make for a rather unhappy Ruthie. Let's just say, "I'm well-read."
Worked on my newest painting for several hours. I follow the guidelines of my young art teacher Chris Hall who moved to Atlanta. He paints abstracts. He called me "Miss Matisse," so I have to live up to that monniker.
Here's the rose I picked in Mom's neighbor's yard. Aromatic!
Outlined it in pencil, as he taught us.
Almost complete, but way too plain.
Frank was a great artist and I asked his help while I was painting. Didn't do much good. The funeral is tomro in Royersford, PA. His mom asked me if I was going. I paused and then said No, I won't be able to.
Look, if I couldn't see Frank when he was alive, what's the point of seeing him when he's dead. I know, I know. The family. I sent a nice letter on New Directions stationery and a donation to the Brain and Behavior Foundation.
They were shockingly inept when I called up.
Should I report them to founder Constance Lieber? Oh, look, Connie - and her son - just won an award.
I met her years ago at a conference held at University of Pennsylvania. I simply ran up to her, introduced myself, and wished her good luck. I asked some Qs, and she told me her adult child w/schizophrenia was doing fairly well.
Here's Connie and her hubby.
The conference included brilliant scientists from all over the East Coast, including Z Great....
Finally got this poem published about my late father.
Here's their lovely masthead.
Wait! I'm not finished yet.
When I returned it at B and N, I learned their policy when there's no receipt.
Choose $18 worth of merchandise, then and there.
Immediately went into their Music Shop.
Bo Diddly
Steely Dan
Muddy Waters
Stravinsky's Firebird and some weepy music by Debussy.
Let's end with a lovely picture
Hmmm. Never knew what Steely Dan looked like.
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