Oh, as a young lass, I did read Raintree County by one Ross Lockbridge, Jr. I loved the book, but poor ole Ross was dead as a doornail as the book climbed up the charts.
His wife wrote:
Wiki - "I walk past people," he confided to his wife, "and I wonder what they think." And, more ominously: "Whatever made me think I could get away with it?"[15]
Here I am heading out to the Giant Food Store, traveling behind the gorgeous rear end of a white Porsche.
Errand Day began by meeting with Robin Franklin, Community Room Coordinator, to get rooms for our Saturday Programs at the Giant. We booked six rooms for 2015.
Robin and I always have nice chats. Didn't get a photo of Suzanne, who was also there. Helloooo Suzanne!
Then I picked up another batch of meds for my trip. Will need meds and insulin for the 11 days I'm gone.
I believe Tom's just introduced this kid-sized tube.
Forty cents off at the Giant. They changed their method of payment, so I have to put on my thinking cap and READ and PUNCH BUTTONS in order to get gas.
A sign reads 'extra long gas hoses' so I pulled in at a rakish angle and filled up.
The VW is front of me had a license plate that read UNDINE.
Read about the novella here.
My dad told me that Audrey Hepburn did a play called Undine. Indeed she did.
Look at the workout my mind gets when I do some simple errands.
Construction work on the way to
The Sox Lady in Furlong, PA.
The only problem with their website is it doesn't show the location of the place, so I had to call em up.
I told owner Diane that I hadn't been here in 10 years b/c the socks hold up so well.
I bought socks of many colors, like Joseph's coats of many colors in the Bible. None of them has elastic. Her brother makes the socks down the road. He doesn't sew up the toes; that's Diane's job.
There are many wonderful gifts on sale there, given to Diane by some friends. There were beautiful and inexpensive pocketbooks. Great gifts for Xmas, she said.
I told her I was not going to be tempted.
When choosing Halloween candy last nite, I thought "Let me get things I would like to eat."
I wanna tell the little beggars, as my ex used to call them, take two things. One are pretzel rods. We have so many kids around here.
Scott and I had a scrumptious meal of scallops on a bed of whole wheat noodles. Get me my Novolog Pen!
Then I drove over to the Hatboro Union Library to hear Allan Heller talk about his latest book about Pennsylvania Cemeteries. Read about it here.
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