Donna needed a ride to Wayne's Automotive. Her car has no heat and no A/C. Luckily it has a roof.
On the way to her condo
This is why it's being demolished - major flooding - at some unknown date in the future. Yeah, like the end of the ISIL wars in Iraq.
Naveen Williams plays the Iraqi - Sayid - in the interminable LOST. I'm finally in Season 6, the last season.
Very hard to know what's going on.
Being in a different unfamiliar Giant was sorta like viewing life through a mirror backwards.
Same products, different places. And no help-yourself bins. Instead they measure it out for you.
I found a new product... the white things are cashews, not molars
This is the best, semi-permissible snack this person w diabetes has ever et.
What I've done, to offset the high carbs of the delicious chocolate bits and raisins, is to overload it with peanuts.
Am munching on it right now!
See the Yogi Chai Black Tea? It was an impulse purchase at the Giant Coffeeshop.
I'd rate it a B +
Interesting history. From India. Remember, they were a British colony so they got into drinking tea.
While making the soup I had the pleasure of talking to two people. I was expecting my California friend Marcy Belsh to call, but found it was Allan Heller, from my Writers Group.
Allan thanked me for a donation I made to the Parkinson's Foundation. He and wife Tatiyana will Walk for a Cure later this month.
And, at last, an 8 1 8 area code popped up on my Caller ID.
There she was, Marcy Hazel Belsh! She, born 1960, and mom, born in 1924, moved from Susan Road in Philadelphia to Grenada Hills, after their house burned down. This may be the house below.
The family room had a lot of orange in it. Orange carpet, I believe. Spinet piano in the living room.
In Calif, their lemon trees, Peter Paul and Mary, aren't doing too well but the pomelo is. Go ahead, kids, look it up!!!
May I take your photo, I asked at my Upper Moreland Book Club at 2 pm.
Debbie Stephens jumped out of her chair like I was gonna execute her with my camera.
Top ratings for Benediction by Kent Haruf. I liked the names of the characters: Dad Lewis (called 'dad' since the birth of his daughter Lorraine), wife Mary, son Frank (oh dear, Dad found his son, age 6, in the barn with his friend, both of em dressed like girls, with make-up on).
I had a client who did the same thing as a teenager when he was figuring out his sexual identity. By the end of our therapy, he had a GF.
We also meet Willa and her daughter Alene. And Berta May, who lives next door with her g'daughter Alice, 6. The name 'Alice' is rather a normal-sounding name, like Alice in Wonderland.
Then there was the preacher Richard Lyle, whose sermon was about taking Jesus literally. Turn the other cheek. The congregation did not like hearing that one bit.
When Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount, the multitudes had never heard the likes of it. Yet they listened and pondered. From the Book of Matthew, it contains the central philosophy of the Rabbi from Nazareth.
After Lyle preached, the town was up in arms. I knew someone was gonna try and kill themselves. It was Lyle's son, John Wesley.
He fashioned a noose, stood on top of a box, and then changed his mind.
These people are so real, you feel you inhabit them.
Tonite I went to A C Moore and bought one more, plus some supplies.
Donna told me it would cost a fortune to frame the three posters I bought. She was right.
Eighty dollars apiece!
Looks easy, right?
Not easy at all. I kept making mistakes and would take a wet rag and wipe it off the canvas.
Originally I wanted to paint grapes on the coffee cup as in the real cup, but thru an error the cup came out purple.
AND it looks like a vase.
I like it and Scott likes it.
You have no idea how hard it was painting those green pumpkin stems on the canvas. Kept rubbing off the 'misprints' with my
Speaking of hands, I found a huge black n blue mark in the mil of my right hand.
Painful when I drive.
Born in 1945, I thought I still had the adventurous athletic body of a teenager.
The world is your friend.
Dear Ruth,
ReplyDeleteThe sweet potato soup looks even better than you described it over the phone. Don't suppose you'll have any left over so I can have a little taste!
You remembered the orange carpeting! That rug was there for 39 years. My mom's cousin Norman was a carpet salesman who would periodically replace the worn out carpet on the steps. And even though the piano was damaged in the fire, one of my coworkers from Tower (Mike Egan) adopted it and took it home.
And, may I just wish you Tzom Kal. G'mar Hatimah Tovah. Paula and Aaron will be here to break the fast that didn't happen, at least in this house.
It was great talking to you and I look forward to talking again soon.
Lots of love,
P.S. The painting turned out great and I love the birdhouses!