The consistently BEST coffee around here is from Starbucks (too expensive) and reasonably-priced Wawa. The Wah near the Willow Grove Supermarket opens the morrow, Friday. My coupon is under my tushion awaiting my first taste.... and review.
A member of New Directions, who I'll call Angela, said she was inspired by my short story "Fixing Charlotte" to go off her psych meds.
Only go off your meds I told her if you're prepared to go to the looney bin.
She says they make her fat.
Have you ever seen how Angela eats? Like most people she loves sweets. Losing weight is not easy.
I began longing for chocolate pudding after the Mark Padmore/Jonathan B(l)iss program at the Kimmel last nite.
Determined to get my pudding, I drove to the Giant this evening, and scanned the refrigerated prepared dessert aisle.
No-no for sugar-free desserts.
Yes-yes for this
Mighty delicious.
I took it over to the coffeeshop, sat myself down at a table and scooped out my first bite.
Yes, definitely worth it.
After finishing one container, I went on to the second.
I'll stop with this one, I thought.
Then I ate the third container.
Well, I suppose I'll have to throw out the fourth container so my sugar won't get too out of control.
By now I had injected the maximum - 10 units of Novolog.
Shucks, I thought, and downed the last container.
I do prefer vanilla, the pure smooth sugary taste of vanilla, but the only vanilla flavors were Caddyshack or Cozyshack tapioca, rice pudding, and flan.
After I loaded my groceries in the car - tomro I'll make cream of asparagus soup - I walked around the huge parking lot.
When I got home, I walked around my block.
Then I took my blood sugar - a dreadful 194.
80 to 120 is the norm.
Was it worth it?
What dyou think?
Hell, yes.
A female friend of mine I'll call Jill, sent me an email.
Ruth, she said after I sent her last nite's blog post, when I don't hear from you, I think you're at Einstein Medical Center with kidney problems.
Jill, I said, all you need to do is pick up your g'dam phone and call me.
Some people!
Mom wants to move out of her home. I called up Christ's Home to get info and spoke to a Melissa Nolan.
Here's what one of the 'cottages' w/ garage looks like.
How do people get all that money?
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