we walked around the block in the beautiful 60-degree weather. Bruce is learning to convert Celsius into Fahrenheit.
When I was in high school, America was threatening to go to the metric system, but fortunately for moi, it never did. Never was much good with numbers, otherwise I'd have gone into medicine.
"You'll make a very good cardiologist," said Mrs Hess, my fifth grade teacher at Mercer Elementary.
Bruce loves cars. Across the street, Bob Masser has a Dodge Challenger. Bruce took a good look at it.
Our neighborhood is very hilly, but b/c I'm in good shape, except for my oversized belly, I had no trouble hiking up Greyhorse.
Then, as we were rounding Cowbell, we saw Bill Adams, my next-door neighbor.
I introduced him to Bruce.
To my shock, Bruce's friend was in the backyard.
Mike had been to an area near Peace Valley Nature Center in Chalfont, PA, and had shot three geese, the maximum you can kill at one time... or perhaps for the whole season.
There are strict rules about killing game.
Two dead geese lay on the drive.
Mike was cutting out the breast of the third one.
Feathers were flying as Mike fileted out the breast, a real delicacy.
He will dispose of the geese in a special place.
I thought he'd leave then in the little woods behind the house so the critters could finish em off.
As a hunter, he wore a camouflage shirt.
Sure, I said. He gave me two, which are marinating for three days, according to Bill Adams, who does NOT eat them, but does enjoy Mike's venison.
You can't imagine how thrilled I was to see this action.
Now, a day later, the thrill is gone.
The air parts with
the call of flying geese,
a hysteria of syncopated oompahs
wing power that breaks for no reversals along the way
body after body
pumps ‘til
they're done.
Where to? Which pond?
There to feel cool water
over eye and neck bent double
then snap for fish clean.
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