Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ellen Rosenberg and I drive to the Michener to see Grace Kelly

Easton Road, Easton Road, I said to myself as we drove to the James Michener Museum in Doylestown, PA.

I became a member the last time I was there - $30 - and was determined to visit it again. Plus they gave me a free ticket for a friend.

I was so happy Ellen wanted to go with me!

As we approached the museum, I felt a wave of exhilaration. It surprised me.

The Grace Kelly exhibit was wonderful with all her gowns. Edith Head was the costume designer at Paramount.

The woman is a real beauty, orig. from the wealthy Philadelphia family of Jack Kelly.

Her wedding gown, above, is at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

One of my fave parts were the Home Movies that the Kelly Family took. Grace was the daughter of the wealthy Jack Kelly, whose family hailed from Ireland. He was an internationally famous athlete who became wealthy with his bricklaying firm. Read about how he was snubbed in the Olympics b/c he worked with his hands.

Grace would continue the tradition of taking home movies when she was aboard Prince Rainier's boat.

She and Rainier had three kids.

Rainier died at age 81 in 2005. He was from the famous Grimaldi family.

Son Albert, below, has three illegitimate children, which, apparently is nothing new for the Grimaldis. 

Would you sleep with this man?

Albert II
The Prince of Monaco in 2013.jpg
Albert II at the World Economic Forum in 2013.
Their son Albert is now the monarch.
 He wanted to marry the woman below, but she refused to convert to Catholicism.

Albert II[1][2] (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi; born 14 March 1958) is the reigning monarch of the Principality of Monaco, and head of the Princely House of Grimaldi. He is the son of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and the American actress Grace Kelly. His sisters are Caroline, Princess of Hanover – his heiress presumptive, and Princess Stéphanie. In July 2011, Prince Albert married Charlene Wittstock.[3]

The gowns on display were from her movies plus her personal collection.

 Here's Ellen using my 10-percent discount to buy a scarf, which snaps on.
 She bought me a cup of decaf. She didn't like her coffee so she traded it in for tea.
The red-headed terror.

When we got home I checked my blood sugar. It was great.... 87.

80 to 120 is normal.

Ellen asked me to check hers.

Remember when we played nurse as kids? At last, 62 years later, I did it.

Changing the needle on my lancet, I held out her third finger - the plumpest to prick - she didn't even flinch and her sugar was a perfect - 111.

Look, we've all got a few crosses to bear. However, I just read in the Times that for folks older than 60 our blood pressure can be a little higher than orig'ly thought.

From the Times: But the guidelines committee, which spent five years reviewing evidence, concluded that the goal for people over 60 should be a systolic pressure of less than 150. And the diastolic goal should remain less than 90. 

That's good b/c this morning I accidentally took a mag ox instead of my blood pressure med.

See ya later! If I'm still alive, that is.

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