Just got the hard copy from Nancy, across the street, and sent Alan Kerr, the ed page editor, for the always-nice placement of the story plus using the green mental health awareness magnet. One of our bipolar members designed it, altho I didn't send it to him. Perhaps he remembered from a previous column.
While I was writing it I kept checking the 'word count.' I thought I had up to 900 words and I was barely making it, but I kept tweaking it, making the story even better.
Then I checked Alan's original email and he said, 'up to 700 words' and look at me, going for 800.
So I cut down another 100 words and the story was even better!
Yesterday I got my Comcast bill. I don't have cable and do not want it. For the first time, I turned the bill over and to my horror discovered that since the first of the year I'm being charged $7 per month for the Comcast modem.
I do not have the Comcast modem. Here's what I use. Bought and installed it myself from Radio Shack.
Was on the phone for 20 minutes with Katy in the Philippines while she credited me. At first she said she wasn't sure they could return all of my money.
I spoke in my sternest voice
I did note with consternation, however, that the first bill of the year for Comcast - same service - was $50 and now it's jumped to $72.
The power of monopolies.
While pedaling me stationery bike last nite watched a PBS show about something I'd never heard of: The Copper Country Strike of 1913 in Calumet, Michigan.
Miners worked in terrible conditions and wanted shorter hours in the copper mines and better working conditions.
The strike was broken and 70 percent of the strikers were allowed back to work. A significant amount moved to the Detroit area where John D Rockefeller needed workers for his Model T assembly lines.
Anything else Ruthie?
Oh, just got a nice b'day, Xmas card from Coach Iris. Below is a card she bought in San Francisco, our old stomping grounds, made by
Father John Takahashi.
Gotta dash out to make copies of the Intell article and be home in time for Ellen Rosenberg at 12 noon.
Think I can do it?
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