I didn't bring my camera to Mom's.
My sister Amy works at the Oregon Research Institute. They just uploaded a fascinating video on YouTube - How Personality Traits Predict Health Outcomes.
Personality traits are broken down into 5 categories:
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness (self-control) - This predicts mortality. Gee, my 91-yo Mom has an abundance of this
- Neuroticism vs emotional stability
- Curiosity - openness to new experiences
Again, watch it here.
Oddly, I wasn't very conscientious tonite when I went over for dinner. I forgot my diabetes needle.
Afterward, I went downstairs to ride the exercise bike I gave them, having picked it up on the curb of Cowbell Road.
It's a lousy bike and we wanna buy Mom a new one. She's up for it.
I went downstairs and weighed myself on the scale. It looked to be about 130 pounds. I lost 10 pounds b/c I gave up eating cheese and mayo.
I was really in the mood for coffee. Donna has worked at Starbucks for 10 yrs which means she gets a lifetime supply of a certain amount of coffee and tea.
We all wanted our coffee in cups like this
I'll probly be up until 4 am. Gotta get up at 9 to go to a Train Show with Scott.
I had two goals for today, both of them difficult.
I found this see-thru lamp way up on my street. Scott snipped off the cord with his wire cutters. I spray-painted it black out on the back porch, so it wouldn't stink up the house, which it did anyway.
Then I bought fabric paint at A C Moore - and decorated half the lamp with it. When this half dries, I'll do it on thother side.
Here's the lamp against the backdrop of a quilt my sister Amy made me for my 60th bday. It's standing next to my Shark Vac, which is what I use to clean my entire house.
What does it pick up? Leaves, mostly, peanuts, food crumbs, and assorted detritus.
Equally difficult, in a different way, was to email a Holiday Donation Letter to friends of New Directions. I had several people check it over. I was worried it was too long, which it was, but I kept everything in there.
I'll print it out at the end of this blog.
I told Amy that I keep photos of people I write about in my "Stock Photo File" OR another folder called "1000 Words."
Here's a good pic of Donna, who is taking a 'selfie.'
We all sat around the kitchen table. The Five Greenwold Girls: Ruth Donna Ellen Lynn and Amy. What a treat!
My brother David passed away at age 28. My mom refers to his old bedroom as The Blue Room. Similarly, I refer to my kids' rooms as The Quiet Room and My Upstairs Office.
Mom had made a load of frosted carrot-cake cupcakes as well as a cheesecake.
That woman can cook!
Anything else before I bore you with the Holiday Donation Letter?
Oh, I'm gonna start working on an essay called TO RIZA AND BACK. The only person who knows I'm gonna work on this is our phone greeter Ed Quinn who is painting his house right now! Yes, right now!
In the below letter, I was gonna say "Or hand us your loot at a New Directions meeting." It's nice to be funny, but I knew better."
Dear Friends of New Directions --
Please make your tax-deductible donation TODAY to our nonprofit, where new members find us on the web, with our info-packed website www.newdirectionssupport.org. Only yesterday, we loaded an informative 22-minute video on Teen Depression.
New Directions is unique:
Who else offers:
...Top Doc/Top Therapist List, recommended by our members. On our website we have the name of five area psychiatrists to see for hard-to-treat mood disorders.
...Daytime and evening meetings to meet your individual needs. Some people have called our Small Group Discussions better than seeing a therapist. We LIVE the illness and work as a team.
...Superb family member group run by Carole and Greg Hodges, parents of a bipolar daughter, who give everyone individual attention and refer members to a myriad of resources.
...Immediate response by phone or email to people in crisis.
...Guest columns in the local paper to reduce stigma and educate the public that mood disorders are treatable illnesses and people can lead happy and productive lives. Here's a recent article
...In the group, we say "If you 'click' with someone, become friends." We're proud of all the friendships that have formed within the group.
...Sunday Hikes, run by Mark Steinberg. Keeps both our bodies and minds in good shape.
...Ada's Free Monthly Outings to spectacular places in the Philadelphia area. Unbeatable! Plus lunch afterward. A recent outing was to Yellow Springs in Chester County, former home of Delaware Indians, who bathed in the sulphur-Yellow Springs.
...Annual Bonfire run by Helen and Larry Kirschner. What could be more fun than this? S'Mores, hot chocolate, hamburgers and hot dogs all gobbled up around a roaring fire.
...Helen also runs our well-attended Daytime Meeting at the Willow Grove Giant Supermarket, upstairs classroom. When she's not available, Harriet Rellis is her superb understudy.
...Special 90-minute programs at the Giant Supermarket. Our last speaker, Larry DiBello, retired pharmacist, drew a large crowd and answered all your questions about meds. All these programs are written about on my blog for people who couldn't attend.
...A cadre of wonderful volunteers, such as our Phone Greeters who answer our office phone seven days a week. Thank you Nick, Charlotta, Ed, Barbara and Fontaine.
...The COMPASS mental health magazine with contributions by YOU, psychiatrists, and therapists that have included stellar individuals such as Dr Basem Shlewiet and the incomparable cognitive therapist Norman Cotterell of the Beck Institute.
Our "News Roundup," superbly edited by Ada Moss Fleisher, offers an array of hopeful news in the area of new treatments for those of us with mental illness.
Our KaleidoScope section of the Compass features the creative output of people with mood disorders. Our poets are so happy to be published. A natural high!
There's nothing in the world like making people feel good.
We would feel good - actually, GREAT - if you would kindly send us a donation.
As you may know, we recently received a $10,000 grant from the Independence Blue Cross Foundation, which, tho exceedingly generous, needs augmenting, which is why I'm asking for your help.
Donations may be made:
...On our website www.newdirectionssupport.org - TOP RIGHT - via Pay Pal OR through United Way at your workplace.
...Mail to us at:
New Directions
PO Box 181
Hatboro, PA 19040
OR hand us your check or cash at a meeting. Our next meeting is Tues nite, Dec. 17, at 7:30 pm, our Holiday Meeting, when Shelly Quigley will lead us in singing holiday songs. Followed, of course, by our all-important Small Groups.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Happy Holidays,
Ruth Z Deming, MGPGP
New Directions Support Group www.newdirectionssupport.org
HOME PHONE: 215 659 2142
Please make your tax-deductible donation TODAY to our nonprofit, where new members find us on the web, with our info-packed website www.newdirectionssupport.org. Only yesterday, we loaded an informative 22-minute video on Teen Depression.
New Directions is unique:
Who else offers:
...Top Doc/Top Therapist List, recommended by our members. On our website we have the name of five area psychiatrists to see for hard-to-treat mood disorders.
...Daytime and evening meetings to meet your individual needs. Some people have called our Small Group Discussions better than seeing a therapist. We LIVE the illness and work as a team.
...Superb family member group run by Carole and Greg Hodges, parents of a bipolar daughter, who give everyone individual attention and refer members to a myriad of resources.
...Immediate response by phone or email to people in crisis.
...Guest columns in the local paper to reduce stigma and educate the public that mood disorders are treatable illnesses and people can lead happy and productive lives. Here's a recent article
...In the group, we say "If you 'click' with someone, become friends." We're proud of all the friendships that have formed within the group.
...Sunday Hikes, run by Mark Steinberg. Keeps both our bodies and minds in good shape.
...Ada's Free Monthly Outings to spectacular places in the Philadelphia area. Unbeatable! Plus lunch afterward. A recent outing was to Yellow Springs in Chester County, former home of Delaware Indians, who bathed in the sulphur-Yellow Springs.
...Annual Bonfire run by Helen and Larry Kirschner. What could be more fun than this? S'Mores, hot chocolate, hamburgers and hot dogs all gobbled up around a roaring fire.
...Helen also runs our well-attended Daytime Meeting at the Willow Grove Giant Supermarket, upstairs classroom. When she's not available, Harriet Rellis is her superb understudy.
...Special 90-minute programs at the Giant Supermarket. Our last speaker, Larry DiBello, retired pharmacist, drew a large crowd and answered all your questions about meds. All these programs are written about on my blog for people who couldn't attend.
...A cadre of wonderful volunteers, such as our Phone Greeters who answer our office phone seven days a week. Thank you Nick, Charlotta, Ed, Barbara and Fontaine.
...The COMPASS mental health magazine with contributions by YOU, psychiatrists, and therapists that have included stellar individuals such as Dr Basem Shlewiet and the incomparable cognitive therapist Norman Cotterell of the Beck Institute.
Our "News Roundup," superbly edited by Ada Moss Fleisher, offers an array of hopeful news in the area of new treatments for those of us with mental illness.
Our KaleidoScope section of the Compass features the creative output of people with mood disorders. Our poets are so happy to be published. A natural high!
There's nothing in the world like making people feel good.
We would feel good - actually, GREAT - if you would kindly send us a donation.
As you may know, we recently received a $10,000 grant from the Independence Blue Cross Foundation, which, tho exceedingly generous, needs augmenting, which is why I'm asking for your help.
Donations may be made:
...On our website www.newdirectionssupport.org - TOP RIGHT - via Pay Pal OR through United Way at your workplace.
...Mail to us at:
New Directions
PO Box 181
Hatboro, PA 19040
OR hand us your check or cash at a meeting. Our next meeting is Tues nite, Dec. 17, at 7:30 pm, our Holiday Meeting, when Shelly Quigley will lead us in singing holiday songs. Followed, of course, by our all-important Small Groups.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Happy Holidays,
Ruth Z Deming, MGPGP
New Directions Support Group www.newdirectionssupport.org
HOME PHONE: 215 659 2142
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