Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ruth's chocolate cake party

What a fabulous party we had on Saturday Dec. 11 from 2 to 6 pm. Daughter Sarah came and made most of the fantastic food. Highlights include:

- seafood salad comprised of fresh shrimp, scallops, salmon, seasoned w/dill, mustard, capers, radishes

- baba ghanoush - Sarah grilled the eggplant over the fire on the range - and seasoned w/garlic, tahini, and lemon

- chocolate cake which was the best I've ever had. Icing made from Lindt chocolate and butter. Cake itself made from cocoa, brown sugar, butter.

At my request, my mom made my childhood favorite Green Jello Mold, with pineapple and sour cream. She also made her great Rum Cake.

I was seated on the couch and greeted all the guests as they entered. Every single person who came is a gem. I didn't realize I had so many friends until they were all gathered in my living room/dining room and kitchen.

"It was great," says Sarah who is leaning over my shoulder now. I persuaded her to stay in town another day.

Two of my favorite people are artist Barbara Postel and her husband Carlos Guerrero. Carlos is a carpenter (not that carpenter)who redid my back porch several years ago. I had written an article about Barb and her artwork years ago for a local paper. It was called something like "The Sky Comes Down to the Earth," b/c when she was in kindergarten she realized that the sky should not appear at the top of the drawing paper, since the sky is all around us. So, this unique noncomformist made the sky come down to the earth.

Barb made this YouTube video of the party. I didn't see her doing it. Click here and enjoy!


  1. Sounds like it was a really nice party. Glad all enjoyed it. Also glad everyone likes The Compass Issue. I received mine and the books and will take care of my end of business shortly. Thank you. Haven't had a chance to read them yet but will as soon as I can. Lots going on and also have a stomach bug.

  2. PS Just watched the video and enjoyed it. It's amazing that your mother made those things for the party. Looks like you had a great pre-birthday bash.
