Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse December 2010

As my sister Lynn says, Scuse me while I kiss the sky. Here's a photo of the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse that was clearly visible all night long here in Willow Grove PA. My last peek was around 3 am. I'd woken up after watching a documentary on my laptop in bed, put in my contact lenses, threw on a jacket and went outside to the front porch.

The air was freezing and bright. Where had the moon gone? Earlier it was way high up over Charlie's house. You know it was there, everything was so bright. I stepped down onto my sidewalk and cast my glance high in the air.

Sure enough, proudly boasting its changing light was our moon, a new, unknown coppery color. Bright stars twinkled all around accompanying her on her brave and rare journey as she does a 3.5 hour tango between the moving earth and the immovable sun.

I hoped that Scott could see it at work. He works outside a lot fixing the trains so it should be easy to simply raise his eyes to the skies.

After returning to my warm bed, I went on FB to report my findings, then reading a few Times articles including one telling of the demise of emails and the rise of social networking sites like FB, all b/c of immediacy and instant gratification, and how the cellphone and texting have supplanted emails.

What's the song by the Who? My Generation. (DO NOT try this at home.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed it. Told you I was going to enjoy it vicariously through you.
