Friday, August 20, 2010

Private audience with Mary Ann Moylen

Imagine my surprise when I went shopping at the Giant and Mary Ann's door was open. She was on the phone, so I wrote her a note & flashed it in front of her.

May I eat pumpkin seeds? I wrote. How's their potassium content?

When she got off she looked it up on the Internet.

Too high. Darn. I need more protein-rich foods.

Then she walked me out to the shelves and suggested almond butter.

But I can't eat nuts, I said.

Let's look it up, she said.

Turns out I can eat exactly one tablespoon. This particular brand comes laced w/honey. She asked me to let her know how it was.

Ruth, dialing the phone, w/her headsets on so she looks like a spaceman. 215 784 1960.

I love it! I said to her answering machine. I ate it on one of my water crackers.

When all hope is gone, in walked almond butter.

Just got back from seeing Grace Catherine. Scott got to meet her too. We had to leave early cuz I have my Self-Esteem Group tonite at 7. There are only 5 things on the living room couch to stowe away, but I wanted to let you in on my private audience w/Mary Ann.

She'll be speaking to our group in September.


  1. You had better be careful about eating pumpkin seeds. I had a friend who did that and she turned into a jack o lantern. On the plus side, she looked nice when we lit the candle inside her head. Her eyes just glowed, as did her smile.

  2. aha! i did eat a couple of them, bill, and my eyes began sparking. i thought i was growing super-powers but as you mention, i was actually turning into a jackolantern. whew! i'll stick to me almond butter.

  3. The pumpkin seeds made me think of Jack Pumpkin Head of one of the famous Oz stories. We read the whole series with the kids when they were small.

    I wish for you the energy and opportunity (I know you have the creativity and the determination) to celebrate yourself and life every minute of every day. In doing so, you inadvertently share so much with the world that you are also celebrating others who come in contact with you.

    I wish for Baby Grace as long as possible to get to know her Bubby who enriches the world and who will enrich hers too.

  4. thanks, iris. when sarah was here she showed me how to download photos from the internet, which you do well on your highly recommended blog. for some reason, my almond butter photo wouldn't come out. so, right now, since people have obviously read my post (thank god) i'll try anudder brand of almond butter. peter peter pumpkin eater, poor dude got a wife but couldn't keep her. we know people like that, don't we?
