Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dinner is served!

Thai iced tea

I could not believe my good fortune! A reprise from cooking. Stephen and Arleen invited us over for dinner! They kindly asked about my dietary restrictions and I said I couldn't eat: tomatoes, potatoes, mangos or meat (to name a few popular items) due to my kidney disease. How thoughtful!

I fished into my basket of directions and found direx to their condo on the back of an envelope. We arrived exactly on time. In the parking lot was an attractive-looking couple, to whom we said hello, and then discovered they were Mike and Meg, who were also going to the party.

I was carrying my contribution to the dinner party....iced Thai tea. Since I had my Writer's Group earlier that day (we critiqued the below Letter to Eric) I stopped off at the Viet restaurant Pho and Beyond to buy their scrumptious iced Thai tea for the guests. Yes, I knew it was risky. People might not like it. But it is so incredibly delicious. You must put it on your bucket list.

Now. We were in the garden. The birds were feeding in the squirrel-proof (yeah right) bird-feeder. We sat on the patio. Stephen was firing up the grill for the salmon and butterfish and I was walking around with a large glass of iced Thai tea and ice.

It was even more delicious than I remembered the first time. I was afraid of getting a caffeine buzz cuz I don't drink caffeine. It also had arf n arf in it and I'm not allowed dairy products (phosphorus). Quietly, I took one last sip, then walked around the corner by the hastas and the tomato plants and dumped the contents into the dirt.

No one knew.

One of the hits of the meal was a brown rice/black rice dish w/mushrooms Arleen made. The salad included a yummy grilled fig! Arleen is a really creative cook. A peach tart made its appearance as one of the desserts as well as a flourless brownie. I figured if I ate the whole brownie I'd shorten my life by three hours so I only had a small bite.

What's this? I smell popcorn. Scott is making us popcorn now. It's Sunday and it's raining outside and here comes the popcorn to accompany our next movie: And Then There were None.

Remind me to post all the great movies we watched or slept thru recently.

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