Sunday, January 1, 2023


Thank you Sarah for sending Scott this Murray's Alpine Cheddar just in time for New Year's Eve.

Spent the night at Scott's. First we watched William Powell and Myrna Loy on TCM as they played a couple in love. 

At midnight we heard fireworks outside so I had to wake up Scott who was in a deep sleep. We can always watch the BALL drop on YouTube.

I am sipping now on a spicy Advent Tea from Ada and Rich.

At the suggestion of Janie Black, I filled my pill box this morning. Very difficult. Yellow capsules of Ticrolimus, scored pills of Prednisone, oblong lilac pills of Synthroid every Mon Wed and Friday. 

Am listening to WRTI-FM playing jazz. Catherine Russell is singing.

Last night at Scott's we watched CONCERT FOR GEORGE - the late George Harrison. Eric Clapton arranged the concert which took weeks. One guy I recognized - long straw colored hair -  but did not know his name - TOM PETTY, announced Scott. Dead of an accidental overdose.  

Thankfully Scott's bro/law just got out of the hospital. His diabetes medication was out of order.


In the Times this morning I read about making an omelet, with Murray's Cheddar Cheese. The recipe mentioned it is important to get the omelet on the plate HOT.

I did.

How, though, was I to sit and eat. I have a bad left leg. Where did I put that note from my helper?

More Advent Tea, please.

East of the Sun and West of the Moon, please, sings a jazz singer on WRTI-FM. 

One of our books at the renowned Mercer School in Shaker Heights, Ohio, had a story of the same name. Stories! I could not get enough of them.

What shall I write about today? I do have an idea. Twould take about 90 minutes. First, though, let's find that story on the nearly infallible GOGGLE.

"East of the Sun and West of the Moon" (NorwegianØstenfor sol og vestenfor måne) is a Norwegian fairy tale. It was included by Andrew Lang in The Blue Fairy Book (1890).[1]

"East of the Sun and West of the Moon" was collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. It is Aarne–Thompson type 425A, the search for the lost husband; other tales of this type include "Black Bull of Norroway", "The Brown Bear of Norway", "The Daughter of the Skies", "The Enchanted Pig", "The Tale of the Hoodie", "Master Semolina", "The Sprig of Rosemary", "The Enchanted Snake", and "White-Bear-King-Valemon".[2] The Swedish version is called "Prince Hat under the Ground". It was likely an offspring from the tale of "Cupid and Psyche" in The Golden Ass,[3] which gave rise to similar animal bridegroom cycles[4] such as "Beauty and the Beast".[5]

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