Motto: Wherever there's a hook, hang something up. Above is one of two of my new Styrofoam mobiles.
Michener, here we come!
We parked in a huge parking lot behind the library and approached the Michener in the intense heat.
Confession: I couldn't turn off the flash on my camera so I took the pix quickly so the guards wouldn't see. They saw. This is the entrance to the museum. The hallway.
Nakashima Room. His daughter Mira had gorgeous furniture in the hall but I was too askeerd to photograph it. Flash flash Flash
“If I go look for dinosaurs, I will find them,
because there’s tons of them out there,” says Kirk Johnson, the
director of the National Museum of Natural History and the star of a new
Nova series "Making North America."
Read more:
View out Nakashima room of prison wall.
Read more:
View out Nakashima room of prison wall.
Stone walls do not a prison make. Thanks Richard Lovelace and Althea.
More museum photos and remember I am really scared.
Carmina Burana
These colorful abstracts looked stunning when you first entered the room.
The late Sam Maitin's early prints. When I worked at Art Matters I did a profile on Sam.The family probly liked it so much they probly buried it with him.
This is a nine-minute movie of something.
This is an outdoor sign.
On the way to the car.....hurry hurry hurry if you're not alone
Where are all the restaurants in Doylestown? We walked up n down the streets. I finally asked a woman in a homemade ice cream store and she directed me to Chambers.
I ordered ahi tuna, Scott got a crab cake samwich.
What are these, I asked the very tall waiter? Fried arti-chokes. Good!
Wake up, Scott! Actually I told him to lemme film his food, so he made like he was Elvis collapsing into his soup.
Wake up Little Ruthie!
Charles Sheeler
Charles Sheeler (July 16, 1883 – May 7, 1965) was an American painter and commercial photographer. He is recognized as one of the founders of American modernism developing a style of painting known as Precisionism and one of the master photographers of the 20th century.
Lemme go check if it's raining now, at precisely 12:35 am.
Nope, just breeezing.
Got up early and watched
Action News. What terrible
things happen in our city.
Not once but three times
they mention a midnight shooting
of a 15-year-old girl.
Am I allowed to be happy when
our city is threatened?
Only yesterday a friend has
called, telling me she is
being watched. Not YOU,
my friend, not YOU!
Cares vanish as I sit on
the front lawn, the last cup of
Iris's Snickerdoodle Coffee tasting
as fresh as the dew on the lawn.
I wave as the orange Dodge Challenger
pulls out of the drive and Julien
walks by with Roxy.
The Roxy Four can be the name of his
dog or an ancient club back in Cleveland.
Seated in the green lawn chair spider webs
quiver in the morning light, tiny trapeze
artists like Burt Lancaster would maintain
their balance and never tip over
Neither did my coffee, still hot. Shall we
clink our cups together and hope for a final
defeat of the healthcare bill? I've got to
believe there are men and women of conscience
throughout this great land. Do you?
On Charlie Rose were two architects plus Ai Wei Wei in their new exhibit at the NYC Armory.
View the Armory here.