Excellent dinner. I brought a large everything salad. Nattie rarely eats salads but loved mine and wanted the recipe. Mom and Ellen made fab meatless chili.
Mom's mind was very stimulated and I think that with Amy in town she was inspired to use more brain pockets than usual.
I went off to the living room to try and catch some Zzzzzs. Maybe I did, but I wanted to be part of the conversation. Everyone came into the living and I learned about
My Space
Jade sent out a photo of "baby girl" with a beard.
Scott planted em all - perhaps 4 - and I tried to water em today but couldn't find where they were planted. Then I put in some nearly dead pink tulips which should grow for next spring.
I'm so tired now I'm practically falling over. But there are two things to discuss, which I did with my family.
Isn't that a beautiful phrase: with my family.
I wanna write a book thru Amazon. Tentative title is Women Who Love Too Much and Other Stories.
Second, I wanna write the marketing director of Giant Supermarkets - all things go thru him - and ask if Giant customers can have a meet and greet at a table in the big classroom on the second floor. I see the same customers day after day. Why not find out who they are?
For instance, after shopping, I push my small cart back to the corral and see an older gent get out of his car. Immediately I take him for a Big Cart Guy. Still, I ask: Would you like a small cart?
Yes, he says, is it a good one?
Yes, I say, the wheels are all properly aligned and go straight.
Now if I were Ann Beatty, this would be a good pickup line and lead the two of them straight into bed - oh! am I allowed to say that on The View?
Was up submitting until 5 am. Then went to bed and got up for good at 8 when sister Donna phoned. Darn! You're sposed to take the phone off the hook, Ruthie Ann, who is a character in my newest short story Max the Window Man.
We hope it's accepted.
Topics we discussed at Mom's - Natalie's beautiful face, there might've been a movie star on their American Airlines plane that came to Philly, anudder fight breaks out on an airplane, this time, the pilot smacks some women who are fighting before they board.
I essayed that b/c loose-lipped Trump is president and talks tough, w/o censoring himself, the fabric of honorable society is crumbling.
If you're a human being, you must monitor your behavior. He, of course, does not, and people are impressed. Gee, I wish I could do dat, they say. And many of them lose their inhibitions possibly for the first time.
Hey, this feels great, pushing people around like I did when I was three.
More topics: Bad backs, bad backs helped by hot yoga, Bikram Yoga.
Cellcept. Allergic to Prednisone - read poem. Hair extensions. Female pattern baldness. Really bad feet. I think all in our family suffer from that.
Had trouble thinking of today's FB poem and came up with
It was a two-blanket
night, the furry tiger
one Dad used when
he was dying and that
nice maroon patchwork
pattern that sets
your soul on fire.
A breeze floated into
the room. Impossible!
Everything was locked
down, like a submarine
heading for Korea.
Then I remembered.
I'd forgotten to close
the tiny window above me,
wishing for fresh air.
Bob Walmsey, who calls
ever woman, "Hon,"and his
colorful window guys
had given me new windows
the year of my kidney transplant.
Both windows and kidneys
are doing their thang.
As is the chickodee,
building his nest
for his best girl
in the bird house
I view from my
Is the overhead
Hawk watching him, too?
It was a two-blanket
night, the furry tiger
one Dad used when
he was dying and that
nice maroon patchwork
pattern that sets
your soul on fire.
A breeze floated into
the room. Impossible!
Everything was locked
down, like a submarine
heading for Korea.
Then I remembered.
I'd forgotten to close
the tiny window above me,
wishing for fresh air.
Bob Walmsey, who calls
ever woman, "Hon,"and his
colorful window guys
had given me new windows
the year of my kidney transplant.
Both windows and kidneys
are doing their thang.
As is the chickodee,
building his nest
for his best girl
in the bird house
I view from my
Is the overhead
Hawk watching him, too?
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