Mary Ann had a line-up of healthy snacks and gave an overview of what was there. I learned so much. Previously I thought I couldn't eat yogurt, but there's a Triple Zero Oikos Yogurt - made by Dannon - that has barely any carbs at all.
The coffee was quite good, but lacked moisture, if that's the word I'm looking for.
She asked what cereal I eat for breakfast.
Oh, I said, I can't eat cereal, it raises my sugar.
It's all about balancing your protein and your carbs.
Here's what I shall now do.
Lined up on a table, she had healthy varieties of Ritz Crackers, Triscuits (she told me I'd be better off with Hint of Salt than Original), many varieties of chips - I gave up chips long ago and can't get back in the habit, not even when I'm invited to a party
A bag of apples was set out on the table. Again, if you have apples and cheese, you must select the right size of apple.
Shortly I'm gonna make a salad for dinner. I'll listen to the audio book HIDE by Lisa Gardner, which will make it a pleasure to cook, I almost said to cut and paste, as I listen about a serial killer who is on the rampage.
Scott was very curious about the new products.
We were visited by The Demings. Max came running in with his short hair cut. He likes to ride the elevator to the second floor.
Then Grace came up in her swinging new short hair. I introduced her, as I did Max, to Mary Ann, who has a 3.5 yo g daughter named AHvay... AH-vay - who lives in Los Angeles.
Below is a FB poem I wrote this morning.
And now I'll make a salad and then go over to Scott's.
We were watching Spartacus, a classic film, but I left bc of the brutality. He told me what happened in the end. He and Jean Simmons have a baby, which she shows him while he's being crucified. Bwa bwa bwa
From my downstairs window
I view a library of
greenery, each tree
each shrub, each stem
summoned by spring
to reveal itself
to the waiting world.
We put on a show for
our neighbors and
ourselves. The vaudeville
begins by swinging and
waving leaves.
The squirrels join in
as do the flirtatious
cardinals and the
high-stepping blue
Mailman Dante drops
the mail in my inbox
to a rhythm all his own.
Love the liverwurst sandwhich.