At 2:20 AM, I turned on my bedroom light and snapped on the television.
The polling was in.
The PBS team of Judy Woodruff, Hari Sreenivasan, David Brooks, etc. announced with great shock and sadness that Trump had won.
Me, I just stared at my bedside table and wondered, How am I gonna get over this.
My first thought was that my mother didn't vote. It would have been too much trouble, she said, to leave home.
Wouldn't have made a bit of difference.
I clicked off the TV, read a few pages in
Actually, the book is Nutcase by Ian McEwan - I'd seen him on Charlie Rose - and the book just came in for me at the library - everything takes place in Mother's womb - and then I clicked the TV back on.
A procession crossed the stage at a New York Hotel. This is how I learned that the Trump/Pence ticket had won.
Mike Pence began speaking. He said how humbled and grateful he was that they had won the historic election.
Then Donald Trump came on stage. He gave a remarkable speech in which he said he wants to unite the nation.
Do you know what?
I actually felt comforted. His voice was soft. Non-combative.
He'd received a concession call from Hillary Clinton - he called her Secretary of State Clinton - who he thanked for her many years of service to the country.
He made sure he said "We" instead of "I'm" going to do all this.
He thanked so many people including his wonderful late parents and his late brother Fred. Let's see if I can find another photo on the stage
from YouTube
Some quotes...
...Against all odds, polls, and projections, Donald Trump claimed victory in the presidential election Tuesday, delivering a speech at the Hilton ...
...MSNBC: Donald John Trump will be the 45th president of the United States, capping a historic and boisterous run by an outsider who captured a loyal following across a swath of America fed up with establishment politics, the news media and elected officials.
His success was only part of a larger, crushing victory for the Republican Party, which retained the House and appeared poised to maintain Senate control.
The brash New York businessman will win at least 270 electoral votes, according to NBC News projections, and will take his Republican ticket to the White House in January. Trump had trailed Democrat Hillary Clinton in polling averages for nearly the entire election cycle, but he bucked prognostications by picking up states many pundits deemed out of his reach.
Do I believe the things he promised us "to make America great again?"
Weren't we pretty great already? Sure, we have lots of problems. Immigration. Education. Climate change. Our many seniors. Paying for Social Security and Medicare. Wars across the sea. A divided Congress.
Of course I don't believe everything he said, but he shore sounded good. Conciliatory. Fix the infrastructure. Hire men and women of all races, religions, and ethnicities to fix bridges, railroads, and the like which will provide millions of jobs.
He also thanked the veterans. He's really gotten to know them during the 18-month campaign, he said.
He made sure to thank all the people responsible for his victory including the wonderful Rudy Giulani who he called to stand with him, and also Sen. Jeff Sessions. He really likes these people.
Thick-voiced Gov. Chris Christie was also there. I'd just seen him on Charlie Rose.
We Dems, of course, dislike their views on just about everything.
MY main problem was, How will I fall asleep. I was so distraught I imagined lying in bed until rosy-fingered dawn knocked on my window pane.
Well, I've taken to bloggin, which will help.
Ruthie.... your eyes are getting heavy, heavy, heavy.
Oh, did I tell you I got my upstairs computer fixed? Joe of Classic Computer did it really quickly. $300.
Now I'm gonna write a poem which I'll paste tomro on Facebook.
Sometimes, like now, you just don't wanna face Facebook.
How can I live with this?
How did it happen?
Why couldn't we stop it?
Is it my fault?
Your fault?
Is it God's lesson to an obese nation of salt and
sugar addicts, of opioid lovers, of people
who mortgage themselves to drive
snazzy cars and live in castle-sized houses?
Donald Trump I am going to support you,
be on your side, forget all the terrible things
you said about anyone different than yourself
anyone who can't afford the luxury suite at the Plaza
your cruel taunts - how could you, Mr President! -
of women, the handicapped, the homely
My call to arms:
Surprise us!
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