Pardon me for eating in front of you. My chick pea dish is delish.
Bought Campari tomatoes at the Giant and they dissolved in the slo-cooker. Also added are mushrooms, onions, garlic, different colored peppers, cinnamon shtick and turmeric.
After a counseling session in my vacuumed living room, went over to Boggs Printing in Hatboro to pick up yesterday's corrected proofs and compare them with the new corrected proofs Rene sent me.
Should only take about an hour to make sure they're okay. And then I'll.... what? Well, if they're okay, I'll mail em to Mark Amos at Bux-Mont Stationers, next to the PO.
Speaking of the PO, which in my short story, A Creature of Habit, our female lead is a mail carrier with a desire to visit Las Vegas. She refers to her place of work as the "po."
Hmmm, I wonder, Rem, if other people do dat.
While in Hatboro, I decided to have lunch at TNT Diner, so-named b/c of the owners - Tim n Terry. Tim said hello to some people he knew. He SHOULD have come over to me and introduced himself.
If there's someone new at New Directions I go over and say hello.
At hostess Nancy's suggestion thother day, I ordered Shepherd's Pie, something every person w insulin-dependent diabetes should keep away from.
Plus there was hamburger meat inside. I do not eat hamburger meat.
I injected 10 units of insulin at table. And my sugar was only 167 when I got home. Normal, as my four loyal readers know, is between 80 and 120.
Hey, I'm now up to five blog readers! My humble thanks, guys and gals. PS - I have no idea who you are.
Your beverage was free if you ordered a meal, so I got a large take-out of coffee, which I'll heat up when I finish blogging.
My friend Rem mentioned the poem "Directive" by Robert Frost. I'd never heard of it and he wrote, "Directive" is late Frost, from "Steeple Bush" (1947). The first line, perhaps the strangest line in all of Frost, goes like this: "Back out of all this now too much for us."
Read entire poem here. It's on the bottom.
So I goes to my living room Poetry Shelf and pulls out
a dusty copy of Robert Frost's Poems.
"The Blood Pact" by David Hagberg is from the late Tom Toohey pile I'm reading before I return all the books to the library.
"Blood Pact" wasn't all that good but I wanted to find out how it ended. The reader was constantly shocked at the amount of murders that took place. I read the reviews on the jacket cover, where the writing was better than in the book.
I don't remember where I bought this second-hand book. One of the owners was this woman - can you read her name? - I can't - who lived on a Rural Delivery Route in Allentown, PA. Rina Ziegler?
Here's the famous "The Road Not Taken" held by the famous Ruth Z Deming.
Beautiful intro by Louis Untermeyer.
Louie was a poet himself - poet laureate of the US - but he got into terrible trouble as you'll read in the above article.
Here's what I made last nite in my Acrylics Painting Class. I call it Still Life with Clock.
It was exceedingly hard to make. Teacher Jane Behrends set up a still life for us.
She said "The rectangular box is the easiest object to make."
Says I, "I thought it was the hardest and that's why I made the apple."
She was chattering away, explaining shading, something I know I could never learn, so I just kept busy doing my work.
Sure, I felt disobedient, but, hey, I paid for this course and I was gonna come out tonite with a painting I was proud of.
When I was in kindergarten, my mom got a note from my teacher, Mrs. Ruth Bennett, which said, "Is Ruth hard of hearing? She often doesn't follow directions."
My mom did indeed get my hearing tested. I remember one of the words that was whispered to me was, if I heard it correctly, "Columbus."
"Hey," said little Ruthie, aged five. "That's where my Uncle Donny goes to college."
Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
Don was a member of ZBT, zeta beta tau, a fraternity. He was very sociable. Altho he's been dead many years, one of his friends, Ivan, is still alive and in his friggin NINETIES!!!
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