Now that all the Shamrocks have been mailed out, I wanna remember them. In the middle room of the house I spread a sheet on the floor and painted em all. Double-click and you'll see who I mailed em to.
I told my Acrylics Class that I did this b/c the Class has unlocked my creativity.
Drove to Horsham Clink to deliver a box of 50. Dave Mauermann came down to meet me. I told him he was quite the spiffy dresser. He said that's how he dresses for work. Suit and tie. Like my dad did. He asked if New Directions is gonna participate in the NAMI Walk.
I said NAMI Bucks County, which is a very active group, is doing their own walk in Doylestown. He knew that and wondered why. Mayhap Montco Community College is too far away.
I said I didn't think ND would participate, we didn't last year, tho I joked it's always nice to get free pens.
I told him that Dr Dan Hartman had some articles in the Cp - dyou Dan Hartman? - Yes, he said, he was the medical director of the children's unit.
I was gonna drop off some boxes to Hartman's Huntingdon Valley office, but there was a small collision on Terwood Road, so I did a U-Turn. Returned later and dropped em off.
Took em to Sharon Katz's office. Yazmin remembered my name, but not vice versa. Yazmin Yazmin Yazmin.
Now I know why your kids are so smart, I said. He told me he keeps in touch with some ND friends and said something amazing about Jack Fanellii, bike rider and polymath.
Jack and Dottie had been living here. According to Joe, Jack took over Dottie's father's biz in California and is doing fantastic. Making loads of money. What a switch from working for peanuts.
After a big Chinese meal at the Giant - I ordered for the first time Crab Rangoon.
Joe and I said goodbye and I told him I was gonna sit near the Hearth and meditate. No sooner had I sat down and closed my eyes than I fell asleep.
Scott and I napped to the first movie made about
A Night to Remember, 1958, about the unsinkable Titanic. After the iceberg hit it, during the night, they had 90 minutes before the ship sank, said a Mr. Edwards, I believe.
Compass comments: Tony Salvatore said it looked like a great issue, as did his colleague Gabriel Nathan, who directed their presentation of Thornton Wilder's "Our Town." Gabe said he'd attend our program on Sunday, August 23: How Art Saves Us From Adversity.

We missed Bill Babb at the Acrylics Class. I learned on FB that today is his b'day. He's either the same age as me or a year older.
Still Life with Reading Glasses.
People in the painting class went gaga over my beautiful new red tea cup. I told them I almost broke it several times. My regular dishes are unbreakable Corelle for that very reason.
Told them I bought it at Mr Jim's Furniture & Antique Shop on a back street in Hatboro, PA. Lynn was asking $25 but I bargained her down to $20.
Still haven't sat down to have a cuppa tea. But if YOU come over, I'll let you drink out of it, pinkies up!
Here's a pinkies up poem
When I began eating my omelet
sprinkled with scallions
and melted cheddar,
hot to the tongue
and thought of my Christmas shopping
and the places I’d go
I asked Thich Nhat Hahn to
sit with me in the kitchen
to help me savor my food.
In dark robes
he bowed his head
over tea I prepared,
delicately lifted the white cup
as he bowed again
meeting my eyes,
eyes that have seen much
some of it wrapped into books
or poetry or praying for peace.
Taste returned to my tongue
the omelet and the goodness of
the hen who had given her life for me
I became one with the morning
The sun shone into my living room
I bowed my head in thanks for its
arrival that morning
Then lifted my glass of water
stared at the clear cold liquid
then drank,
it is cold and it is good to me.
And the master across the table
pinkie lifted as
he drained the last of his jasmine tea.
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