Shall I keep it a secret until he goes shopping on the weekend?
The new arrangerment was accomplished, said Ed the Produce Man, in two late nights. Funny, I told him, b/c I had an urge to go out late last night.... just to do something different.... since I'm such a "creature of habit."
In fact, I went out halfway down my walkway and photographed the beautiful night world. What I really wanted to capture were the high mounds of silky-shiny snow.
It was pitch-dark out but a street lamp glows bright as the sun.
Was it Heather who said they took a survey and this is what the customers want?
I doubt that very much. Look at what a cynic I am at my young age.
Of COURSE I saw Bill Babb. He had already eaten in the Coffee Shop. I told him I would do the hard work first - shopping - and then reward myself by eating.
He had a huge shopping list.
Here's Jim, the sales rep for Boar's Head Cheese.
He urged me to take handfuls of samples of their cheese.
"You won't get an opportunity like this very often," he said.
Jim lives in Bristol but I didn't see him do the Bristol Stomp!
I will do the Stomp after I finish bloggin. Nice lookin' white boys. The Dovells. I always thought they were black. Wonder where they are today?
Nice wide aisles so you won't have to play Bumper Carts with the other shoppers.
We had these at Euclid Beach in Cleveland where I grew up.
Ed the Produce Man, retired teacher at LaSalle, has a three-tiered cart he's unloading. Told me a lot of of produce managers came out to help with the new arrangement. Said that a guy named Ron was the head of it.
When I spoke to Ron he denied it.
Look at these nice wide aisles.
Organic section.
Oh no! I thought. I am really out of it! Look at these new beige-colored fruits they've imported and I have no idea what they are.
They're sponges to clean things off with.
Huge check-out lines. They moved quickly.
I ate an enormous salad in the Coffee Shop. One of my containers had delicious tuna fish, another a slice of water melon that wasn't very good so I didn't finish it. Look, if I'd been at Stalingrad during the siege, I'd have split it three ways so my kids could have some.
Turned off my heat and am sitting with the storm door shut. I wanna be a part of the snowy day.
Canceled the ND meeting for tonight. Too bad b/c we had really important work to do.
So do I. Gotta work on some writing. Freda thought my story "David's Photo Album" was exquisite. She also gave me a few places I've gotta fix. The woman is 89 and still has a great mind.
She and husband Bernie's photo are on my bulletin board at my upstairs computer.
Finished the three poems for the three baristas: Adryn, Cathy and Kiana.
Gave Adryn and Cathy their poems today.
Adryn loved her poem. Her goal is to own her own restaurant - southern-style food. What a great achievement that will be. She may start off with a Food Truck, to get her name out there.
Her name, Adryn, was selected by her mom who sat down with pencil and paper, writing down various names until she came up with "Adryn."
Here's Cathy with a "C" I had noticed. She always has beautiful nails which I referenced in the poem.
Let's take a peek at the Bald Eagles and their two little eggs. Click here. Their home is in Hanover PA.
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