Bernadette, who I met for the first time today at the Sandwich Shop at the Giant, made me a delicious Grilled Cheese Sandwich on rye.
At her suggestion, I had four slices of Provolone Cheese, which I've never bought before, and four slices of cheddar.
Also on the 'sand which was there' - mnemonic to help remember the spelling - were thinly sliced onions, which gave it a nice 'hot' touch, tomatoes, and mustard and mayo.
I ate two bites after the Writing Group and finished it off when I got home. Pizza is at 6 pm.
Injected 8 units of insulin, b/c bread is terrible for my blood sugar.
After finishing, I ran upstairs into my office with the new carpeting, and almost passed out.
Perhaps my sugar was low, b/c I could not think!
Eat Something! Eat Something! I said aloud. I actually thought I might die, tho Scott would have found me and called 911.
I stuffed some peanuts into my mouth and then took my sugar.
Very high! 223.
Was I allergic to my new carpet?
Here's what Martha Stewart has to say about New Carpets.
Mine is 88 percent Olefin and 12 percent Nylon.
I've opened up the windows upstairs.
Act as if you like each other, I said as I shot the photo.
As always we had a rollicking good time. Linda had revised her excellent piece "The Gazebo." In parts, it was very funny. She also made up a good ending where one guy, a loser who has no hopes of ever getting married and having kids, meets a kooky woman, who falls for him.
Go on this website I just made up
Floyd had sent us a piece we reviewed online so I was surprised and happy to see his tall white-haired self in the flesh. He wrote a story about a woman who came up with a product report for a company. One of the employees had to check it for accuracy. It was so wordy and technical it made no sense.
Good story about the complexities of rating this and rating that and getting a rating system we can all understand, even the pros who write it.
Picked up Allan to drive him to the group. In the car, I asked him, How do you feel when you don't have any story ideas.
Empty, he said.
I sure liked that answer.
He read us a very clever story and also told us some great news. He'll write a weekly Poetry Column, starting in April, for the Hatboro Mid-Week Wire.
I reminded him April is National Poetry Month. He thought it was in March. Reason I know is b/c for years, I've been doing Library Showcases on this subject and linking poets - such as Sylvia Plath, John Keats, Anne Sexton - with mental illness, hence New Directions Support Group.
Here's a display case, Tiffany and I did in 2009.

Here's Tiffany, a graduate of Howard University.
PS - I just learned how to snag photos off FB. You can only take the one "Profile Picture."
Since I forgot to take Carly's photo, I got if from FB.

And, I believe this is one of our Writer's Group photos since I recognize the gray striped shirt sitting next to her.
Who's heard of OSKAR HUBER? Read my August 2013 post about this furniture store. I was aghast at how expensive everything was.
Carly brought in two letters she had written to Oskar Huber. They were quite good. And interesting. She told the story of how she met her husband in church outside of LA. Born in Utah, he was a Mormon, or what you call a "Jack Mormon," one who has forsaken the religion.
"That's the man I'm gonna marry," she thot.
Carly had read an ad in the Intelligencer asking for stories about Oskar Huber. Her first story would be fine. It stated she and Charlie purchased a $6,000 desk - yes, six grand - she was working at Laz-E Boy Furniture - and fell in love with the desk she "dragged" Charley out to see.
Now, she relates to Oskar, they are moving into an assisted living facility and the desk will not fit.
What should she do?
We also advised her that the letter in which she spoke about meeting and marrying Charlie - and what her mom said about him (make sure he doesn't have 6 other wives already) should go into its own story.
Could be a story about their upcoming 50th wedding anniversary.
That might be good to hand out at the anniv'y party. Tho you might have to leave out all the good parts.
In my story, "The Lost Book" I write about finding this slim volume at the Hatboro Union Library. I was tempted to not return it, but to keep the book. You'll have to read the story - hopefully someone will publish it - to find out what I do.
Emily's original ms. is in the book, opposite the printed letters.
I was gonna go upstairs and work on the corrections the group gave me, but you know what?
I'm gonna let the room air out and go over to Scott's.
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