I usually write Guest Columns for the Doylestown-based Intelligencer. When I called Alan Kerr he told told me his readers would not be interested.
Perfect, I said, then we'll teach them to appreciate poetry.
Since I'm gonna write a story about the NAMI Walk in early May, he gave me a choice. I chose the NAMI walk and then got in touch with their sister paper, the Courier Times, headquartered in Levittown.
Guy P, editorial page editor, published it in today's paper.
After doing my back exercises and eating a delicious mushroom-onion-garlic (hah!) omelet, I picked up a copy at Burdick's News Agency in Hatboro.
Since I'm throwing away lots of my old photos, I found this one of Francis Burdick, founder of the company.
What a handsome man! Took the photo in 1981, which is shortly after his wife died, said his daughter Sandra.
Here's Mr Burdick's daughter Sandra. She was very happy I brought in the photo. Next to her is Leo who helps out. He poured me a steaming hot cup of Ellis Coffee. (The principals of the company used to live across the street from my mom, but moved out due to "getting on in years.")
Here's Carl, who's married to Sandra. It's 10:30 am, as you can see by the huge clock.
The news agency is doing okay, financially, but has had to cut back a lot, esp. on deliveries of newspapers. Oh, how we love newspapers and want to keep them in business.
Their main sellers are tobacco products.
They also have a soda fountain, yes, an old-fashioned soda fountain.
Today's kids have no idea what that is.
Hey, let's all of us geriatrics meet at the soda fountain and slurp up Root Beer Floats.
Then I hopped in my car, like a bunny-rabbit, did a stunning U-turn, and had Mark Amos of Bux-Mont Stationers make 30 copies of the article
Mark Amos is wonderful! He special-ordered ribbon cartridges for my printer since I told him I'd rather buy from him than Staples, so I picked em up today.
While waiting for my copies, I walked around town and stopped into Gamburg's to look at couches.
Before I left home for my Hatboro adventures, I entered a piece into a CNF - creative nonfiction - contest on Hippocampus.
BUT I didn't realize I missed the deadline, which was two days ago.
I was so mad!
You had to use their "prompt" which is the first sentence.
I immediately regretted putting it in my mouth. It had been a good fifty
years since the last time I tasted it, and, oh, baby, the world was a different
place back then. Dad drove a Country Squire Station Wagon and we had no idea
that the emissions coughing from the exhaust would one day cause the polar ice
to collapse, the sunsets burn brighter and bring us such brutally cold winters
that I lined my trousers with flannel pajamas and wrapped a scarf across my
face when I walked to the curb for the mail.
something as innocent as the gently falling snow would become nearly as toxic
as radioactivity! “Dad!” I cried out to my dead father, “Look what they’re
doing to our beautiful world!”
logic could stop me, I brushed off a handful of snow from the railing outside
my door and swept it into my mouth. Quickly it melted and I cupped my bare hand
again and stuffed more into my waiting mouth. And did it again and again.
The mail truck with chains on its tires chugged up our hilly street.
Oh, well, enjoy your cream of asparagus soup made with - what? - quinoa milk beverage?
Stopping by again. Sorry I don't seem to be good at keeping up. I mean to but the days seem full. I used to give the kids snow with some maple syrup.
ReplyDeleteI read your article with link! Good!
Wonder how many calories in Quinoa beverage? I drink mostly calcium fortified almond milk. This AM had a pumpkin-banana, cinnamon protein shake.
Sorry I can't focus today. My mind is jumping all over the place. Just learned of another suicide of older daughter of lovely family in which I placed a child 28 yrs ago.
Do wish I could figure out how to subscribe to your blog so I could be reminded that I haven't visited in a while.
terrible about the suicide. the quinoa drink has loads of carbs, which translates into calories, which is why i can't use it in my soups cuz of my diabetes. my nutritionist told me that DRINKING a shake is much more fattening than eating the individual ingredients, praps cuz it's not processed by the massive miles of the intestines?
ReplyDeleteMaybe more calories but they work for me and I don't need to watch sugar or anything. I follow WW mostly. So the banana and pumpkin have no points-the almond milk maybe 2 and the protein powder another 2. I use some Stevia for sweetener so altogether, depending on what I put in the shakes-maybe 2 or 4 points or 150 to 200 calories and keeps me full all morning.
Deleteimportant to be full!