Dad and David, both deceased, sing happy birthday from their photo in the dining room.
Scott and Donna enjoyed my "Live Forever Salad."
So did Tyler, tall handsome Tyler, once football-playing Tyler. He works as a host at Olive Garden.
Ellen preparing the angel-food cake dessert.... crushed strawberries for crushing diets, choc ice cream from Friendly's, and whipped cream on top.
Donna brought mom a cup of hot chocolate b/c a new study shows it may be good for aging brains, restoring blood flow. I just drank 16 cups.
Read about it here.
Ordered this book for mom on It arrived yesterday at her house. I brot it home so I could read it first. Besides, she undoubtedly has to go thru her Cleveland Jewish News. She saved certain copies, like the time Moses broke the tablets in disgust of his disobedient followers.
Welcome to our home, neighbors Rachel and Patricia Ibiri. The Ghanaians. So we've got on our block The Russians, The Jews, and the Germans. Microcosm of American life.
Ghana in West Africa.
Pat cooks traditional Ghanaian food, which is hot n spicy.
I'd luv to try it, I said. She'll bring over some to Mom.
Tyler liked my shirt. Bot it at the Doylestown Hospital Gift Shop when I was waiting to get a shot of cortisone for my aching sciatica. Only the operation helped me.
Pat is studying to be a nurse. Her husband is a neonatologist. Preemies. Mom was a preemie and look at her now, 91 years later.
There's my insulin pen. I injected 10 units, then came home and biked for 15 minutes, watching PBS Nova show about the 1932 kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh's 20-month-old son.
Oh, it's a dreadful story, and a surprising story. Many revisionist theories have been written since the kidnapping, which resulted in Congress making kidnapping a federal offense.
Lindbergh was unhappy with his toddler son, who was slightly deformed due to rickets. B/c Lindy, first flyer over the Atlantic was a fine physical specimen he was ashamed of his son.
Wonder if his lovely wife knew about his double-life.
On our way out. Ellen keeps up with the garden.
Donna looked lovely in her blue dress and high heels that I'd trip in and need back surgery again.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta see if there's anything to eat in the fridge.
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