The phone system couldn't handle all the incoming calls. Nine times out of 10 you'd get a busy signal or get disconnected when you were placed on hold.
I switched to Barry Cooper, Rich Fleisher's doctor, who retired shortly after he saw me, to take c/o of his elderly father.
Then I went to Rich Eisenhardt, a very smart man, a great doctor, but when I heard that Foxhall was available again, I knew I'd go back.
He didn't disappoint when I saw him today for my 2:20 appointment.
Right before leaving home, I remembered to check my blood sugar. I'd injected 6 units for my spectacular lunch
Zucchini, from our garden, used as pasta, and sauce made from Rienzi tomato paste plus the usual peppers, onions, mushrooms, the last of my Swiss cheese, which was indigestible, and new friend Ricotta.
My sugar was high - 171 - which is okay. It would lower itself during the hour or so I was gone.
Foxhall checked the backs of my toes to see if I have feeling, which people with diabetes lose over time due to the small capillaries.
Excellent! he said.
I told him my nephrologist told me it takes about 20 yrs for bad complications to set in, to which he agreed.
He's such a positive guy, who shows his emotions.
I asked how his boys are - they're 5 and 2.5 now. He married an Indian woman he met in medical school. Her parents watch the kids.
Even tho I haven't seen him in two years, he remembered about my BK virus, which can kill your kidneys. He said that he talked to a nephrologist friend about it who said it often happens after a kidney transplant.
Mine's under control, I said. And my creatinine level is good - below .8, which is really good.
My heart is strong, he said.
That's the main thing.
I told him we celebrated my mom's 91st yesterday.
"I like your mom," he said.
"Yeah, she has a great sense of humor," I said.
Then, per Sharon Katz of Collaborative Care, he asked me if I've felt depressed.
No, I said.
He said Sharon's son -
yes, Jason, I said,
has an office right here at North Willow Grove.
He said I could put a copy of The Compass and some brochures in the waiting room.
Below is another waiting room - two in one day! I never wait long in Foxhall's office.
Finding Dr Cho's office - he's the chiropractor, they have an acupunturist, and a massage therapist - in North Wales was quite a chore. Back n forth, back n forth on DeKalb Pike - Route 202 - we went. Was on my cell phone three times with their office.
At last we found it.
It's a beautiful office, four years old, with white-tiled floors. 75 percent of their clients are Korean, like Dr Cho.
What would Dr Cho be like?
I brot my mom's b'day book - Eat, Live and Laugh - to read.
Dr Cho is trying to diagnose Scott's pain.
He kept pressing down on Scott's leg, near the hip, before making his diagnosis.
A torn quadriceps, due to over-exercising, bench pressing.
Cho massaged it, which really hurt, and then put ice on it, wrapped it up, and sent some sorta waves through it. The same sorta thing as when I saw chiros for my sciatica - Jeff "The Illustrated Man" Weinstein and Fern Michaels.
Then Cho did some laser treatment on it.
After dinner, we're gonna go for a walk, which Cho recommended.
He also advised Scott to get an ACE bandage and wrap it tightly around his leg.
On the way home from the Giant, we saw Bally's Fitness being knocked down by a very fit giant
Rubble at the old Bally's Fitness.
My sister Donna told me it would become a
Wawa gas station.
Competition for Giant gas station 3 minutes away.
Scott and I walked around the block for 15 minutes, with his thigh swaddled in the tight bandage. The pain was greatly reduced, tho still there.
If it feels like this on Monday, he said, I'll go to work.
He can't stand missing work. It's so boring, he said.
He asked me how I stay home all day and work.
It was hard in the beginning, I said, but I like it!
There's no one looking over my shoulder.
And when I have therapy clients I email them the "Progress Notes."
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