It's not just a farm market, but they sell lots of other things like jewelry and model train cars. This is one store worth browsing.
What would we buy?
Here's Jim, who married into the family. He was trying to sell us lotsa sweets and I said I can't eat em, I've got diabetes. And what dyou think Jim said. Yep. He's got it, too. Insulin-dependent. I told him about riding a stationery bike to lower your blood sugar but he said, "My legs are gone."
He's had it 10 years.
I'd never heard of Kutztown Beverages, have you? Since 1851, soda and beer.
Caladiums. Sarah's late father bought her caladium bulbs for one of her b'days. That's how we know about em. We were shocked when they grew!
Ellen, I said, I have all the time in the world today. I've got gas and I'm not in a hurry. Let's cruise. She was very agreeable and we made several stops, including to MALLARD CREEK VILLAGE shopping center in Richboro.
Above restaurant was closed on Sunday. I used to take the kids there when it was called Special Invitation Deli. We loved it! I always remembered the boom of the cooling unit in the back of the place.
It has beautiful weather vanes atop each building. See the slowly moving butterfly?
Very few shops were open. We went into an Italian Deli and stared into the case filled with cheeses, olives, pizzas. They have home-made ricotta there - "She just discovered ricotta," said Ellen. They put it on top of the pizza.
On the way home we stopped at Oskar Huber Furniture Store in Southampton.
Glass table with block of treated wood... yours for only $1199.
Oh, there's a nice bargain, I said. The couch - and you know I'm partial couches - was only $599. Well, it had a 2 in front of the 599. Thus was the story at gorgeous Oskar Huber's, which looks like a five-story building and has sky-lites.
It's like a museum. Family-owned and operated since 1927.
Here's the orig Singer Sewing Machine they used.
OK, now comes the good part. I bought a PEACH PIE for 8.50 at Dautcher's. We had it for dessert at Mom's. I made a delicious salad. Ellen buys huge amounts of spring mix and spinach. I topped it off with lo-fat yogurt and hempseed. Delicious!
The pie was as good as I hoped it would be. No vanilla ice cream so I ate it with Friendly's chocolate, which was delicious, but I didn't feel it complemented the pie.
Are u familiar with the famous Stock's pound cake? It's made in Port Richmond and is the best pound cake you'll ever eat. Ellen bot a slice, with icing, at the Italian market. I took one small bite and it was wonderful, unforgettable. According to the article, Stock's has been around since 1918, and a family member perfected the cake - they don't grease the pan, but use parchment paper - and the cake has absolutely no crumbs.
Mom was on the phone quite a bit during my visit.
Did I tell you I walked around the block before lunch and then afterward? I knew my sugar would rise but I didn't realize it would be in the 200s.
Brew me some decaf, please, I said to Ellen, before I went for my final walk. Then the real fun would begin.... watching 20 minutes of home movies.
Mom's 70th birthday party, held at mine own Yellow House on Cowbell.
Here are some clips. We watched it on Ellen's laptop on the desk in the living room.
Adam Fogel, a teenager. Here's who he is now. Politics is his profession.
Mom and Ellen watch the laptop.
Barbara Postel and husband Carlos Guerrero. Carlos, orig from Ecuador, said he felt like part of the family. He still calls mom.
The late Aaron Ryesky. I never realized he was quite a handsome man. Read my tribute to him here. How ridiculous it is to write a tribute no one has ever read. I guess I wrote it to comfort myself.
Dan is 15 years old. He's on the right. He introduces his friends.... Mark Gabriel Davis and AJ, short for Afzali something. He's an Afghani, who recently completed law school.
Here's Mom in the blue blouse.
Sadly, she didn't remember much of the party and couldn't recognize the little kids.
Sadder still, I couldn't remember having the party, but I did recognize everyone. Except Tommy Turnock and her daughter.
Nikki's son Tyler H (for Harold) Cartagena. Tyler is now a host at Olive Garden and living with Grammy, Donna. In the movies, it shows him jumping down the steps.
Happy birthday to you!
My friend Helene Ryesky below. She gave a little speech, thanking my mom for sending her a salad when her father died. "I'll always remember that," she said.
I wanna visit Helene in her assisted living facility and show her the 20-minute DVD.
Can this be Our Ruthie? Back then, my hair was thick.... and permed. My blue hydrangea, behind me, is still alive and kicking, 21 yrs later.
We all held the microphone and said what we appreciated about Bernice Greenwold. Very entertaining. A great memory.
Thanks to Jeff and Gina Bigelow for their expert videography and editing.
And Daniel Paul Deming for making copies of more than a dozen VHS's.
Dan, will you please come forward?

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