Born at Holy Redeemer Hospital, April 1, 2013, 7 pounds. Mom and baby doing great!

While Nicole was in labor this morning, I went over to their Glenside home with two pots of pansies for Grace. We planted them in the front yard.
Also bought Grace a book I used to read to Sarah and Dan when they were little.
She ran to the Playroom.
She was sitting in the doll's baby stroller.
I sat on the floor and began to read. She sat beside me.
Extremely active, Grace managed to listen to half the book before she took off for good.
Outside we went to plant the pansies.
Dan said she was fascinated by the baby at the hospital. I heard her chattering nonstop in the background.
We'll see what the dynamics are like when "Baby Max," as she calls him, comes home.
Wonderful, wonderful news! Mazel Tov to everyone. I know Grace will be a super big sister. So cute!! Thanks for sharing.