People say he didn't fit the profile, but indeed he did. Malcontent: Pleasant and cheerful on the outside, simmering with rage on the inside.
His brother was handcuffed and killed by the cops. Look, if you want someone to live, don't handcuff them. They can't breathe properly. The cops should be reprimanded.
Students from Northeastern University celebrated Friday Night. He was caught on Shabbos.
My nephew Miles Greene will graduate this year from Boston University.

My new grandson, Max Atticus, looks a little like Miles.
On Friday nite, I kept checking the Times to see if the suspect was caught. When he was I called my sister Donna, who told me she was constantly watching TV.
She told me all the details, as I watched NBC, while pedaling on my stationery bike.
Quick! Come to the window
The bird house we painted yesterday
with stars on the roof
was just inspected by a
See his tiny head through
the open door?
A spring breeze rings the
yellow moon-glowing
wind chimes
I may keel over with happiness
after the cold and colorless
Decembers of winter
Revive me with a yellow daffodil
held beneath my nose.
Hummingbird feeder on left. One cup water, one-third of it sugar.
I hold my hip as I step outside into
the white butterflies and green grass
of spring. A golden finch nests in
the bird house I painted last year when
I was sixty six
his agility a marvel
as mine was in my San Francisco
love child years
my Russian landlord showed
me the Murphy Bed
and black-draped accountant Ed
did a number on me when I
undid the latch
Ecstasy comes and goes in the
later years, as unexpected as the
dandelion puff sailing past the
window. This morning I gave my
Buddha a fresh coat of pink paint
and watch him meditate, o glossy guru,
beneath the bird bath
his back to the painted bird house
swinging side to side
with joy.
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