Thursday, July 5, 2012

Nancy is Guest Speaker at New Directions

My friend Nancy spoke at our New Directions Support Group on Tuesday nite. She has suffered from some horrific depressions, some of which lasted as long as TWO YEARS.

I was fortunate that when I had bipolar d/o, my depressions were quick, maybe a month, and I was usually able to work.

Nancy, an extremely bright woman, with a witheringly funny sense of humor, would not allow herself to become a VICTIM.

She took charge of her depression, getting out of the house every single day, first by going to work, but when she was let go b/c she could no longer think properly or organize herself, she knew enough to leave home everyday instead of wallowing in misery on her couch.

She admits she doesn't know what, in particular, helped her mind heal from the depression. She seriously contemplated suicide one time, she said, but decided against it b/c of how devastating it would be to her family.

 Oops. Wrong family.

OMG, did I love this show which I checked outa the library!

So, what did Our Nancy do? Her late friend Ed Wagner, a naturapath we profiled in the Compass under the title "Genius or Crackpot?" guided her with what supplements she should take.

Ed, himself, who lived to his mid-80s, told me he would've been dead much sooner if he hadn't known how to doctor himself.

So, she was on supplements, in addition to traditional psych meds. I don't know what she's on b/c we never talk about it when we're on the phone and I'm pedaling furiously on my exercise bike.

She does take testosterone, which she admits is a little testy to take, hormones may not be good for your body.

Nancy said to her prescribing OB that it was a risk she HAD to take b/c depression itself is a life-quashing condition.

Nancy exhorted everyone in the group to exercise daily.

Do you?

She also suggested we eat a healthy diet. Nancy looks great, not an extra pound on her, though, being a woman, she would never agree.

She drinks organic coffee.

Nancy and I met when she worked at the Abington Y for the Buddy Program. I brought in my fatherless boy, Daniel, and she set him up with a few buddies, finally ending up with Jason King of Bryn Athyn.

I was thrilled to have Dan join in on the family fun with Jason, his then-wife Heidi, and their two kids, Linus and Bianca (?)

Here's Dan's daughter today at the beach:

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