Monday, May 4, 2009

The Atheists are coming!

In the large foyer of the Capital Building in Harrisburg, various booths were set up. Why, I have no idea. This was my first trip to the capital. One of the booths was for UNBELIEVERS! People who do not believe in god or who doubt the existence of god.

Ya know how certain things are so-called meant to be? Well, I've recently decided I don't believe in God, and there - right in front of me! - was a booth proclaiming it's okay not to believe in god. But, I said to the nice people behind the booth, we're taught from an early age to believe in a supreme BEING who created this whole universe. One of the guys behind the table looked exactly like god: nicely trimmed beard, eyeglasses, a very intelligent look emanating from him. How silly, I thought to myself, how obvious it is that curious man must always know the answers so we attribute the handiwork of the universe to a being like dear old dad. I was gonna say, or mum, but thought better of it. My mother engages in "splitting," a psychological term that actually would describe the Lord of Lords quite well. God plays favorites.

I grabbed some literature, tucking it into my pocketbook to read aloud to Jeanette on the car ride home. Ya know, it's a vast relief to end my search for god acknowledging the different variations of his manifestation (allah, jesus, jehovah, buddah, robt redford) and then conceding the treasure-trove of nothingness i found at the end of the rainbow. not that i would behave any differently if he were to put on his jodhpurs and riding boots, his silk scarf and rakish beret and come riding after me yelling into the sunset "gird up your loins like a woman, you!"

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