I thought something was up as she didn't answer my several phone calls asking for her address. Finally got it thru the Abington Libe.
Sent a get-well card this morning.
A nature center sent some beautiful photographs which I turned into a card. Dante said he thought the P O would be able to read it, crammed, as it was with well wishes.
I also sent a card to Grace and Max who don't know the beauty of wolves. I told them to ask Mommy and Daddy about wolves.
View my day trip to Wolf Sanctuary.
Am typing with cold fingers upstairs in my Writing Room. Drinking Snickerdoodle Coffee from Iris, who is very active on Facebook.
I write a poem a day on Facebook. Here's one from thother morning.
I was as ready as could be
parked in the drive of the
yellow house. First came
the winds, followed by
the toy piano tinkles
of the white stuff
from above.
I'm under siege
and still am at
7 in the morning.
Seven inches:
the heavens
white as a seven-layer
cake, with icing
in between.
Inanimate, I'm not
supposed to have
feelings! But I do!
I do! Will my beauty be tainted,
the beauty of the kimonoed
women whose country
I come from? Let us pray.
Wrote this one today after I bought two boxes from neighbor Bella, of the shining blue eyes. As I wrote her a check for $8, I realized I should write WHYY-TV a check as well, which I did before Mailman Dante arrived with yellow chains on his back wheels. I suppose his forebears also wore chains, if you know what I mean.
The American Veterans' Assn send me a calculator and a check for $2.50. I deposited the money into my bank account, along with a check my friend CC mailed me for Compass postage.
Thank goodness Dante wanted the calculator. Wanted to give it to someone who'd appreciate it. I thought of giving it someone at Symphony Manor, where I work on Monday mornings, but thought they might fire me for giving too many things away....pens and calendars and even The Compass.
In the annals of desserts
I eschew the 5-layer dobose torte
chocolate Bundt cake or any pies
David Lynch served up for us
in Twin Peaks, and even
Purim's Hamantashen.
Nothing can compare with
Thin Mints. Have you
tasted them? If so,
addiction is yours.
Carefully open the green box.
Remove one sealed bag.
Tame yourself from greed.
Pour the thin and crunchy
wafers into your favorite
plate. Study their beauty.
Eat one half at a time,
placing the more flavorful
side on your tongue.
Thank God for your taste buds.
A health show has said, Watch out
if you can't taste peanut butter,
early sign of you-know-what.
I simply sat in bed, PJ-clad,
where it was nice and warm,
and munched away. Munched away.
Smacked my lips to get more
flavor, until I'd finished
every last one.
And then, as is my wont,
I mounted my pony, my
stationery bike, and
peddled away till kingdom come.
"I think there's a basic human need
to express to other people," said
the once famous guitarist, known
as "The Godfather of Fusion."
He died the other day in a hotel in
New York City. Did the concierge
know who the white-haired man was?
Had he heard him play?
Before his final sleep, we imagine
him looking out his third-story
window, strains of a new song
knitting in his restless mind.
Guitar case in the corner next
to the desk, he blew it a kiss
as he shut off the air-conditioner
and climbed under the cool sheets.
Watching the white ceiling
he looked forward to having
an English muffin with
orange marmalade for
breakfast the next day.
You may think all I do is sit around writing poetry. Here's something Martha from our Writing Group read at our last poetry group.
My dear friend,
You've walked this path before me,
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death,
Fighting your demons and
Emerging wiser, stronger and determined
My dead friend,
You now accompany others
Who walk that same path,
Guiding them through
Their own Shadows,
Bringing them through their
Own hells.
And now, you provide us a
Compass. Pointing the way,
Easing the burden,
Bringing sunshine to darkness,
Peace to uncertainty.
Thank you dear friend.
You've made all the difference.
Marf is on the left. Arlene on the right.
A virus has attacked my upstairs computer. Will have to take it to the doctor's.
I'm unable to post photos, which is quite terrible!
Now I'm gonna enter my work on some online lit mags.
I do not like using the word "stuff." Turns me off. A woman was writing a grant for us and used the word "stuff." I refused to pay her and told her I could write a better grant.
That's why we're so poor, truth be told.
There was a great show thother night on PBS about American Nuns. The Vatican under Ratzinger, I believe, was trying to stop their great work.
Luckily, Pope Francis sanctioned their wonderful works.
Watched a PBS show about it. Very moving, tears-in the-eyes moving. Scott thought it was unfocused.
Enjoy the day! Read my poem above about the late Larry Coryell. Here's his music.
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