Scott was outside a couple of hours planting our crops and also putting chicken wire around the four-year-old peach tree that has never yielded a single peach.
"Sharpen your teeth!
"When it's dark enough to see the stars, we'll assault the chicken wire, break in and eat everything.
"In the morning, when he comes home from work, slinging his backpack, look innocent. Take sly glances at his face. His mustache will tremble in rage."
Aerial view: On left is tree surrounded by chicken wire, extreme left, mulberry tree, which dozens of birds are flocking to.
Peach is about 2.5 inches long and fuzzy!
Laden down with mulberries.
Scott said while he was putting in the fencing, the birds were dropping these onto the top of his cap.
Decided to arrange the hubcaps Terry Pointer brought over.
Every day you've gotta water the garden, esp in this heat.
The pink petunia is doing very well, as is the pink poppy.
Hubcaps circle the 'spent' dwarf lilac.
The face of the iris.
As mentioned earlier, I bought this about 10 yrs ago at Wankel's Nursery in Bensalem, now long gone.
The iris has a wonderful aroma.
Below are my beardless Iris which popped up overnight! My across-the-street-neighbor, the late Charlie Myers, was thinning out his iris, and I took the extras.
I planted them in many places - he had so many! - but these are the ones that survived, unlike Charlie. Sure do miss you, Charlie!
Hold on, lemme look out the front door and see if he's giving me a sign.
When Scott made his second trip to the Depot for more chicken wire, I went with him. On May 28, it's my sister Ellen's b day. I wanted to mail her a card with a gift inside.
In the past, I've mailed people tea bags. This time I bought four packets of seeds at the Depot and I wrote her a very nice card, which praises her.
She and Mom are into organic foods, so the seeds I got were Marfa Stewart organic
Beefsteak tomatoes
One more
Then when I drove off to give the mailman the card, I stopped at Luke's house to thank him for bringing me The Letter to the Editor about May is Older American's Month.
When he invited me in, I sat down on a b'ful reupholstered brocade sofa he and his late wife Joan had bought. She was only 60 when she died of cancer.
He showed me his mom's photo on the glass coffee table. She lived until 95.
Good genes, I said. He's gonna be 87. He only eats two meals a day - breakfast and supper.
Have you seen the signs for the June Fete? I asked him.
No, but now I probly will, he said in his southern drawl (NC)
"Me and my wife used to go there," he said.
Really! I didn't know it was that old.
I told him my bank is American Heritage Federal Credit Union, the Horsham branch. I did a lil test this morning. I had a CD for $2,000 come due. You have one week to decide what to do w/it.
Called the credit union and spoke to my buddy Daniel. How much interest, I asked him, did I make in one week.
Six cents, he said.
Anyway, when I told Luke that American Heritage was the credit union for - Wiki - The Budd Company was a 20th-century metal fabricator, a major supplier of body components to the automobile industry and a manufacturer of stainless steel passenger rail cars ....
he told me he used to work for its competitor, Heintz
if you got laid off by Budd, you went to work at Heintz... and vice versa.
88 degrees outside. Sposed to rain the morrow.
We're looking f/w to using our Rain Barrel.
Five people arrived at the Giant for Scrabble Night! I was ecstatic. Tried to post the photos that Ed and Heather emailed me, but Blog Post - the Great Google's Blogpost - could not post them.
Ed gave me a sheet of two-letter words, including
that I'll try to remember so I can clobber people two weeks from now.
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