Here's Ruthie and Tom Murt, who was just appointed Head of the Subcommittee on Mental Health. Bravo!
Tom introduced the program.
Nancy Williams, Tom's aide, made sure we all got bottles of water.
I mentioned to Tom that New Directions is running a program on Major Religions on Saturday, June 6, and that I don't have a Catholic priest. Tom, who's Catholic, recommended two priests, including a monsignor in Warminster.
"We'll make sure we get you one," he said. From your lips to God's ears.
Look! Abbey Grasso from Brooke Glen Behavioral Health. I was just there for their first annual Art Show.
The Brooke Glen WRITING TABLETS are my all-time favorite. Better than Horsham Clink's, Defenders of Wildlife or Habitats for Humanity.
Minding Your Mind, according to its website, is the leading provider of mental health programs to students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community in Greater Philadelphia.
Superb speakers were introduced by Sheila, who mentioned that requests for this program have quadrupled since its inception. And yes children as young as two or three have issues.
Jordan Burnham survived a suicide attempt in high school when he leapt from a 9-story window. Diagnosed with depression and alcohol addiction, he's in recovery from both and travels around the country giving his message of hope.
His schoolteacher mom was in the audience.
Jordan has spoken before Congress, the UN, and the White House. On the day he was at the White House, Bradley Cooper was also there.
Jordan was hoping his talk with Obama would be short, so he could go over and gaze at Bradley Cooper's hair.

I took copious notes during the presentation but will just give a brief summary of this VERY IMPORTANT educational program which opens up a dialogue and seeks to curtail stigma.
Kristin, tall and slender, engaged in self-harm through "cutting" but did manage to get a degree at Temple University. She described how her mind was racing and sure enough, she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
Initially in denial, she learned how treatable it is, as long as you take your meds, have therapy, and good coping mechanisms.
Her mental health problems began as a child of five or six.
Today her fave coping skill is painting. She also hikes. Sounds like what we do in New Directions Support Group for people and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder.
Both Kristin and Jordan talked about being people-pleasers, keeping their feelings hidden beneath smiles (Jordan could only get his feelings out when he drank), trying to impress people, isolating themselves when depressed.
Today Jordan's big coping mechanisms are Sports, Laughter, and Friendships.
Best part of the program was the Q & A period. Heated discussions included the terrible lack of mental health services, the failure of the mental health system, and intolerably rude or insensitive psychiatrists and/or therapists who patients - family members or their children - refuse to see again.
My hand shoots up and I call out loud "You haven't mentioned support groups," I said. And told the group about New Directions.
I'd also left our Compass mag on the table and watched as two people in the audience turned the pages.
Tom Murt is getting his PhD at Temple University. His dissertation will be on ....
Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding. Many people have never heard of Title IX. Most people who know about Title IX think it applies only to sports, but athletics is only one of 10 key areas addressed by the law.
Till we meet again, yours truly,
Ruth Z Deming, MGPGP
Founder/Director/Gardener/Blogger/Crock Pot Chef
New Directions Support Group
215 659 2142
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