I rang the doorbell of huge homes on Pennsylvania Avenue, methinks, FIVE doorbells of gorgeous homes, and who do you think answered the doorbell?
The mother of a 20-yo bipolar woman who is currently at Brooke Glen.
Collins sent me the right way.
"You won't even be late," she told me correctly.
Valet parking. I told this gentleman, on my way out, to be sure and grab some of the exquisite food, made by chef
Anthony D'Ippoolito.
He and I discussed the delicious and healthy h'oevures he served and how so many patients were overweight, even the ones with diabetes, like me.
Here's the very kind CEO, Neil Callahan, who made himself available to every single artist at the Show. He spelled out Anthony's surname for me.
As you can see, I brought a stack of Compass and handed them out.
Mentioned to Neil that good psych hospitals are sooo important.
The worst problem, he acknowledged, is housing.
For sure! They were thinking about building housing - it's better than homeless shelters, he said - but there are massive problems and restrictions. Maybe they can work with Horsham Clink or Friends Hospital.
First thing I did when I got home - and I made only one wrong turn - was hop on my stationery bike - never a wrong turn on there - and read my new library book. The author, T C Boyle, is a fave of Dan's. It's Fab.
My sugar is 101, perfect, so I'm noshing on peanuts as I write.
Ran into my old buddy, John Sappington, an art therapist at Brooke Glen. He recognized me and my name on my three paintings.
John is a truly great guy and gave an art talk at New Directions many moons ago. We've got to have him back. He's retiring in July! "That's what you always say," said Neil, the CEO, as he walked by.
Here's some of John's artwork
Many of the artists' names are not shown.
John loves the country of Spain and has been there 18 times. Years ago, he told our group - thru a slide presentation - about the architect Antoni Gaudi.
Never forgot the name so when Sarah and I traveled to Barcelona we saw his far-out buildings and magnificent park.
Gaudi's apartment complex.
Did you go on the roof? John asked.
No, I said sadly.
Then you'll have to go back," he said.
John loves the work of Spanish painter Francisco de Zurbarán (baptized November 7, 1598 – August 27, 1664) Read about him on Wiki.
All the art work was set up in a large room.
Pretending I was Albert Barnes, I strolled around, clicking as I went.
I know the tulips in the middle were photographed by Kim in ND. They're also in the Compass, but in B and W in the Compass.
Kim just wrote me Yes [all mine], except for that big flower pic, all the smaller flower pics on that wall were mine plus a b&w lighthouse shot on a wall in the back left corner.
Click to enlarge.
The motorcycle and the musicians were done by one Tobias, who I met there.
I was chatting with some of the patients who were sitting in the lobby. Several of the social workers or whomever didn't like it and kept telling me to line up b/c the door would be open any second.
They should have been happy that someone was taking an interest in them.
Tobias in his artistic shirt. He was very helpful to me, telling me when the bathroom was free. I drank a ton of coffee this morning b/c I was submitting some short stories and poems on line.
I sprinkled the coffee grounds over the sunflower seeds I planted this a.m.
"Roses for Frankie" a painting about the talented Frank Wolfe who passed away last October.
I put it on FB and his sister "liked" it. Whew!
Come Spring, I titled this. My sister Donna collected copper watering cans. Whaaa? And left em at my house as she thought she might move in.
Instead, of course, she and her family bought a lovely home in Clarksboro, New Jersey.
I'll never see her again! You think it was hard for me driving to Fort Washington? It would be a regular "Hotel California" getting on the highways to New Jersey.
Moonlight Phone. This won second prize - shock shock shock - at the Abington H S Acrylics Class.
LOVED this colorful child-like painting by an unknown artist.
I'm thinking the above is a portrait of the late Steve Jobs. What dyou think?
Steve said, Yes, it's me.
Comme Cezanne.
I think the football player is a drawing, the covered bridge is a photo, and the sexy guy in the ponytail with the sunglasses atop his head is a painting.
I'll tell you, if I could get ahold of these people, they'd be on the front and back cover of the Compass.
Liked the mystery of the top drawing of a handsome man drinking what may be Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. Click to enlarge.
My late Uncle Marvin smoked Camels. What a gorgeous package cover. Let's learn more about it here.
You MUST read it. Hint: Is a naked man hidden in the picture? Yup, I knew you'd check it out.
Queen Latifa, I heard someone say, tho I have no idea who she is....and an Obama look-alike, tho the same folks said his ears aren't big enough.
In the car, before the program, I injected 6 units.
It's always a worry b/c you should eat right after that, but I wanted to see the art work first.
The parfait glasses - everything was plastic so you could toss it - including the silverware - were tiny scallops.
Every thing I popped in my mouth was delicious!
I looked really nice in a dress I found in one of my four clothes closets.
Have no recollection where it came from.
Where is Ruthie? Has she be abducted by aliens?
And now, if you'll excuse me I'm off to my son's house to see the grandkids.

Max now calls me "Bubby!"
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