My assignment for today? Paint my own Valentine cards.
I made a list of 10 people to send cards to. I used Elmer's Glue to secure different shapes and very unclever messages onto the painted heart.
I do love the feeling of the paint sloshing across the paper. I chose "the quiet room" in which to paint. That's Sarah's old room with the white carpet. Yes, white carpet and I'm using red paint.
I covered the floor with a sheet and didn't get a drop on the carpet. But, that Elmer's Glue! I hadn't counted on its liquidity and droppability.
In one of the smartest moves I've ever made, I wore blue latex gloves, like surgeons do, during the whole operation. Rich Fleisher bot them for me at Sam's Club.
The painting operation began at 1 pm. It was a 3-hour procedure. I left home for the Huntingdon Valley, PA post office slightly after four.
There was no foto of the HV post office, so we'll settle for the Hatboro one.
I want the valentines to be a surprise. Don't you just love surprises? Not like, oh, you've just been diagnosed with brain cancer or she died by being hurled out of her car on I-95. But nice surprises. Well, my neighbor Patrick ain't gonna be surprised cuz I had to call him up for his address.
I forgot about looking him up in the phone book!!!
Patrick had knee surgery recently and was recuperating at home. He told me his knee didn't feel like it was his knee. He couldn't imagine ever walking right on it.
Then his doctor told him why it wasn't healing properly. He was deficient in Vitamin D. Why? B/c he was drinking too much soda!
Another point for Mayor Michael Bloomberg of NYC and his ban on huge sodas. Now he wants to ban styrofoam containers and other non-biodegradable packaging materials. Read today's Times story here.
So I made a list of people to send the cards to. Then I kept thinking of more and more people, finally ending up with the Lucky 10. Grace, Scott, Ada, Judy L, Freda & Bernie, Mom & Ellen, Patrick & fam, SLD, Donna and my in/laws.
Very nice song on the rad now - You Got to Hold On. By the Alabama Shakes. I'll never remember the name. I'm lucky that I remember Pearl Jam.
Let's see what Little Ruthie did yesterday.
Saw my new family doctor. Brought in a list of questions:
Are you German or Jewish or both? I asked him.
Both, he said.
Get this: His father was studying to be a cardiac surgeon in Berlin in 1933 when a nurse warned him the Nazis would arrest him the next day.
He made it out and ended up in Chicago where he met Rich's mom.
I asked Rich if I could take his pic. He thought for a moment and said No, but thanks for asking. Would've been a great photo with him at the check-out counter typing something on his ubiuqitous laptop.
So I go out in the waiting room to wait for a prescription and who do I see but
He's the CEO of Abington hospital. He was on his smartphone.
I just had to say something to him, the man who tried to incorporate Holy Redeemer Hospital into the Abington hospital system w/o asking doctors about it. An online petition signed by thousands of people, including moi, had the desired effect of negating the proposed merger.
I just said what came into my mind:
"I thought you were a drug rep and then I see (by his nametag) that you're the big cheese."
He laffed. "I'm just working for all the doctors the best I can."
"Have a nice day, Larry," I said, walking out.
"You, too!" he said.
I arrived half an hour early for my appt. so I took a nice half-hour walk outside, camera on alert.
View from the third floor. Some offices were being refurbished so there was the delicious smell of new lumber.
This is the ORIGINAL hospital building, now referred to as The Elkins Bldg. I wanted to go inside and see the elegant lobby but you need an access card to get in.
Naturally, I got in without it, thanks to a maintenance man who let me in. I told him I wanted to take a pic of the grandfather clock on the right.
He didn't know there was one. Actually it was on the left. He propped open the door for me with his big garbage can.
An original plaque honoring George Elkins, who probly had a huge mansion in nearby Elkins Park. Wonder who lives there now?
I'm always afraid I'll get caught when I'm taking certain photos like this one.
Who authorized you to take these pictures, miss? Hand over your camera right now. Brief tussle. Ruthie runs away with camera.
This is the old Dixon School of Nursing. Note the lines of the b'ful old bldg.
Widener Bldg and Shorday Atrium. These are all rich people in the area. BUT, when some of these people die, they rename the bldgs with other rich people's names.
Look! It says Fourjay Foundation on top. Don't ask!
Start your engines, please!
When I walked into the Price Building and elevated up to the third floor for my appt., I was soaking wet with sweat.
When the doctor asked me to put on a hospital gown, I said, Can't I just keep my clothes on?
Yes, he said, Yes!
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