My sister Donna and I took the bus, which we almost missed, my fault, due to my last-minute packing of diabetes supplies and diabetes food. I did remember my antirejection meds. I sat up by the driver, Skip, who also has diabetes.
"Everytime my friends see me," said Skip, "they say I've lost more weight." He's dropped 100 lbs and is on pills rathan insulin. Like me, he eats lots of salads.
Readers, I invite you on the longest bus trip you ever wanna take. Rush hour!
Newark Airport. Our passenger got off at Terminal A.
So now we're in line to the Holland Tunnel. "Relax," I told Skip who was agitated about the long line.
Sarah met Donna and me at Gate 6.
See Donna's suitcase on wheels above? She shlepped that g'dam thing all over New York. In the bus, she hadn't put it in the cupboard on top, so when the driver stopped in New Hope, the damn thing slid all the way across the floor until it crashed right next to the driver.
We walked down 'funky funky Broadway' by Wilson Pickett. Dead at 64 from a heart attack. I looked into this shop windiw.
Garment district. My dad used to work there at the now-defunct Majestic Specialties, Inc.
We were heading out to dinner at the famous Carmine's Italian Restaurant. Sarah went home to prepare for the post-Carnegie bash at her Brooklyn pad.
Everyone walks real fast. And is on their smartphone.
This is 1407 Broadway, former home of Majestic. The building is long gone. Majestic was on the 16th floor. My dad had an elevator phobia and climbed up 16 flights of stairs.
I worked as sec'y to my dad. We lived in Englewood Cliffs, NJ. My mom is still in touch with Joan Schwartz who lived next door to us on Loretta Court.
Still walking to Carmine's. Years ago, Sarah was personal trainer and chef to the owner. Her husband and childhood sweetheart Arty had died of a heart attack. They lived in a penthouse.
When I'd write to Sarah, I would write: PH-A. Penthouse A.
Getting dark along B'way.
Protecting us.
US flag made out of thousands of tiny lights.
Drinks before dinner at Carmine's.
We celebrated Steve Roche's 40th b'day.
You order from the menu on the wall. Sarah had given em suggestions what to order.
The chicken parm was smothered with cheese. Melt-in-your mouth delicious. Steve said it was the best he'd ever had, othan his wife Nikki's parm.
Exquisite antipasto!
And did I mention the greatest Cesar Chavez Salad you've ever tasted!
Happy 40th, my man!
Who's holding the suitcase now?
Pix are not in order. Nikki, Steve, Paddy and Quinn.
Woman with banana in Times Square. My sister Donna was so happy to be there, her first time in 20 years. She used to live in Soho.
Coco-cola, which is so bad for you, is now sponsoring a campaign to Save the Polar Bears. Note that the slogan on the can reads: Open happiness.
These people are standing in line b/c when they get to the top they see themselves on a huge screen. Sort of the same reason as climbing Mount Everest: B/c it's there.
Getting dark but not in Times Square. Sidewalks were very crowded. Many people taking photos.
Poster outside Carnegie Hall. Ethan would play in Weill Hall, named for Sandy Weill, who used to run CitiCards.

Thanks to Sue Jay Johnson for the FB photo.
This was an Abby Whiteside Concert. This influential piano teacher advocated against finger-centric playing and emphasized using your whole body. Ethan's piano teacher, Sophia Rosof, uses these techniques. Sophia, who was in the back of the audience, is a beautiful woman of 92. I wanted to say Hello but her admirers surrounded her and we were in a hurry to get back to the house to get things ready for the party.
Hurry hurry hurry. Ach! I can't stand it, she says now from her perch on her red living room couch where her tuchus hurts.
Sarah and boxer Jose de la Rosa. At 29, he wants to win the Golden Gloves, as did Sarah many yrs ago. Then he wants to retire and become a nutritionist.
We sat in the third row. First half of concert was jazz, including orig tunes by Ethan. The show-stopping first tune was by Sophia's teacher, last name Talma, who died at 102.
Second half was classical, starting with a wonderful toccata by Stravinsky.
In Ethan's intro, he mentioned Van Cliburn died, which I did not know. I didn't have access to my computer to check the NY Times every 30 minutes like I do at home. My folks took me to see Van Cliburn at Severance Hall in Cleveland.
Thought I could read the name of the donor if I photographed it. I don't even think the FBI could read it if they needed to.
Scuse me, scuse me, I'm in a hurry to get out.
How many crime stories dyou think there are of being pushed down stairwells such as this at Carnegie Hall.
At the party, here's blue-eyed Randy and crime fiction writer Keith Greenberg, a NY Times best-selling author.
Coming attractions!
Married couple Marcie and Rob.
Marcie wore a stunning B&W creation of her own, altho no one in her family sewed.
Both of them are employed actors, which is how they met. They were married in Rob's hometown, the college town of Fayetteville, Ark. Rob writes screenplays and the plays get published.
This is the next morning, after an incredible b'fast by Sarah Lynn. Ethan will leave around noon to get to his next gig in Omaha.
Ethan surrounded by some of his fave women, including the glamorous speed-skater and pilates teacher Alicia, who bikes everywhere, and Marcie.
Booze was flowing like the Mississippi. Sarah made incredible cocktails. I sipped each and every one, wishing I could get a buzz..... impossible since I have diabetes.
Sarah is calling Scott to tell him what time to pick me up in Lahaska. The bus was on time - 3:05. Sarah and I subwayed over to Port Authority and made the 1 o'clock at Gate 10. Donna stayed in NY to have fun with her family.
When Driver Dennis passed thru Lambertville, I took a couple shots as this is where my River Poetry Group used to meet.
Dennis had a cancerous lung removed 12 yrs ago and is doing fine, thank you! He lives in Emmaus, PA, home of Prevention magazine. My grandma Lily had a subscription. The senior Rodale died on one of the late-nite TV talk shows; his son Robert died in a car crash in Russia where he was promoting his healthy eating, on the way to the airport. And his son died of AIDS.
Hey, it's a short life. Take care of yourself! Drive safely.