Wouldn't you know it? My phone went dead yesterday. Here's a photo to remember it by.
With great difficulty I assembled my new phone last nite, purchased at my alltime worst store, Wal*Mart. I hate the way it smells, I hate the long cavernous building of nothing but things things things. The service is terrible, nonexistent even tho they weren't crowded.
I have 2 phone lines at home. I called my home phone from the New Directions line in the basement. It's not listed under New Directions, a business, but listed in MY name b/c it's cheaper. Simon figgered that out for me. Remember he's the first guy I'm gonna see in the Afterlife.
When it rang this morning, I jumped. It was Scott. "If you are very quiet, you can take a picture of the deer," he said. "They're lying down in my backyard."
Note the handpainted wipe-your-feet on this mat when you enter my house.
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