Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grace: A gift I did nothing to earn / Compass ho / Night at the movies

Grace Catherine, a little girl every bit as beautiful as her name, and her wonderful parents, Nicole and Daniel

autumn leaf, still green, lying on my sage plant in the front yard

"If you love it, protect it," someone said. Thus, I spent the morning trying to find an agent for my novel via, rewriting my query letter. I called up one place in NYC to ask a question. Sweet-voiced Jennifer was very kind. Anything else? she asked? Yes, I said, wish me luck.

My fridge was absolutely bare and it's the beginning of Fall, so I baked my first bread of the season, a hearty whole grainer which I made with no sugar at all, as I wanted to make it just like an Italian bread or a French bread....whole wheat flour, white flour (for bounce) yeast and salt. C'est ca!

Delicious doesn't begin to describe it.

Whole wheat bread: Flour, water, yeast, and salt

The rest of the day I worked on the Compass.
Do we have an issue for YOU! The writer I most wanted, who at first declined, said he'd do it. I'd given him an extended deadline b/c I'll take a 5-day vacation in mid-October. Already the leaves in the lil woods beyond my house have that sad cast of yellow that portends their death. Ah, I'll have to fetch my world-famous poem Septombre.

I'd emailed my neighbors photos of the granddaughter I recently gave birth to. When I saw Patrick outside, he thanked me, and I said, Ya know, Pat, the amazing thing about having a grandchild is that it's something I did not earn myself. I did not work toward getting it, expended not an iota of effort, I could've been living in Alaska the past 5 years, and yet this supreme bounty still would've fallen right into my lap.

Nancy Marshall, library director, and Ed Pettit

Four times a year the Abington Library sponsors the Ruth Abel Memorial literary discussions. Altho I hadn't seen the movie, the library director urged me to join the group discussion. I was really reluctant since I hadn't seen the movie -- I erroneously thot we'd watch it there -- but she gave me a copy & told me to watch it after the discussion. Nancy is a darling mother hen!

Of course I enjoyed it, even managing to say a few things, and ask why so many people got consumption (TB) in those days. At home, I watched the film -- Bright Star -- the story of the love between John Keats and Fanny Brawne. Fanny was the nickname for Frances. Odd, huh?

I highly do not recommend the movie, but that's just me. Of course I slept thru half of it but don't you think that the remaining scenes should carry the film if it's any good? Take Gone with the Wind, for example, which was on TCM thother night. Every single scene was a beauty.

BP gas on the way home, the cheapest around, $2.59

Look, I confess I'm hooked on taking photos. The words expressed here are just fillers for my photos.

I'd asked Nancy Marshall, library director, if me and Stephen Weinstein could run a You Can Blog Too program at her library. She said they didn't have any money. Then I asked another place. He'll get back to me.

When you blog on this Goggle blog hosting site, every time I 'publish' my post, ads pop up according to key words you use. So when I wrote the caption "BP" I got 3 ads off to the right that I could read some inane stuff about them, including how they did nothing wrong. Thank you big corporations, who, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling now count the same as one individual when spending money for a political candidate, shucks, is all I can say.

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