Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well, at least I'm honest

So I'm sitting at my computer here in the dining room and a couple of kids cut across my lawn and knock on the door.

May I have a couple moments of your time, asks the tall one.

Probably not, I say, swiveling my head toward the door.

First, says the tall one, I wanna tell you I like your bay windows.

Thank you, I say. What are you selling?

They're going for a $500 college scholarship if I'll subscribe to the Willow Grove Guide. He asks if I'm familiar with it.

Yes, I say, not mentioning I write for the Guide and other local papers.

I'm not interested, guys, but I wanna tell you, you gave a first-class presentation and I wish you a lotta luck.

Scott and I bought this squirrel-proof birdfeeder at Pennypack Trust and filled it with their birdseed. Wait till word gets out, said Scott. Sure enuf, this morning the sparrows were crunching on the seeds.

I'm the only one on the block with a filled birdbath. So the birds'll get thirsty from the seeds and then fly over here for a drink and a nice fluffing of feathers.

My old orange hazard cone faded away so I bought a new one. I use it as a beacon so my clients and I can find our way to my house.

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