Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama speaks out!

At 8 pm sharp last nite, I unplugged my phone, turned on the PBS channel and listened to the president explain his healthcare plan. I liked his confidence, the principles he will abide by to assure cost-effective bills, choices he will give everyone concerned including employers, and his intolerance of the greedy insurance companies. He was also honest about various politicians playing politics over America's much-needed healthcare reforms instead of simply responding to the crisis at hand that affects all their constituents if only they would listen!

I was more impressed with Obama's speech last nite than any other speech he's given as president. "I am confident" was a phrase he used over and over. Like most Americans, I worry that nothing will come of the proposed healthcare reforms but actually felt hopeful after hearing his hour-long defense.

How fortuitous that a reporter asked him about the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr, allowing viewers a rare glimpse into a more private Obama. The president could not hide his outrage that this black professor was arrested in the lobby of his own home by local police who handcuffed him and took him to the police station where he was locked up for FOUR HOURS. Racial profiling is alive and well.

Obama's words last nite convinced me that we have much more than just a symbol of a president who travels around the world inspiring people. We have in fact someone whose knowledge and words are precursors to important actions that will transform our embarrassment of a country - with our staggeringly wonderful resources with our equally staggering poverty - into a nation that our founding fathers can be proud of.

In case you missed Obama's talk, you can watch the highlights here.


  1. Excellent and I felt similarly about the speech.

  2. thanks, Iris! I also forgot to mention that Obama mentioned the importance of having a DEADLINE in the passage of his healthcare bills. Smart man! If I myself hadn't set a deadline for my Compass magazine - out by August 7 - I'd spend the rest of my life working on it!

  3. Yes, he is asking for accountability in time and not just goal setting with an action plan. That is just what we coaches do!! Coach Obama still has my vote!

  4. accountability! what an important word, iris, and how little of it we have in today's society where executives and employees both at large corporations from general motors to insurance companies to brokerage firms refuse to take individual responsibility for their actions. as we've seen, tho, the public can only take so much and then - poof! - change is mandated.

  5. Ah now you have gotten me started on one of my pet topics...this lack of accountability..There is enough meat in this topic to generate several articles and blog posts for each of us.
