Friday, April 10, 2009

The most important thing in the world

Just about every single thing I do is: The most important thing in the world.

When I made breakfast for me and Scott this morning (he's off on Good Friday) I wanted to make sure it was the most delicious breakfast I'd ever made.

Grits, in particular, are hard to make tasty. When I was in Oklahoma and lots of us ordered grits, we decided unanimously that the grits were all watered down and tasteless. We know that's b/c the hominy is de-natured, that is, everything that's good for you is removed. For some reason, Americans got used to eating things that are WHITE, like the "supreme race" and Wonder Bread.

Well, I thought about how to make my de-natured grits delicious. I cooked it with one-third milk (yes white milk) and you know what? They were delicious. Of course the cheddar cheese I sprinkled in helped too.

I think it's good to make everything you do The Most Important Thing in the World, especially our encounters with other human beings. Can't wait to leave home today and see who I bump into. It's exciting being a participant in the real world. When I was a child I was shy. I'd stand on the sidewalk and people would pass me by. I was too shy to say a word. I didn't want my kids to be shy. When we'd go out to eat I'd have little Sarah or Dan go up to the register and pay the check.