Wednesday, April 26, 2023



Judas Tree. 

I have never heard of it.   New goal: Clean off living room carpet.

Spent an hour reading EUDORA WELTY: STORIES, ESSAYS and  MEMOIR.

Finished the stories: Old Mr Marblehall and A Curtain of Green. Yes I could understand them but they were quite odd.

I am taking a survey. Anthony from GIANT DIRECT was here delivering our food. He was too fast for me to ask.


I remember Simon B and I would talk about that.

A friend of mine called. She has 30 normal friends.

I consider you normal, I said, even though we have both suffered from mental illness.

Dumb question?

For sure!

I would like to write a new book which I would call THE ART OF CONVERSATION.

Let's find a good cover for it and then I must organize my living room carpet plus all the EGGS, SPRING MIX, HUMMUS and BONE BROTH that I ordered.

Bibliographic Details

Title: Art of Conversation

Publisher: Polity

Publication Date: 1993

Binding: Soft cover

Condition: New

About this title

With this pioneering work, Peter Burke provides the first comprehensive social history of language in early modern Europe. Utilizing a method that will interest all social and cultural historians, he focuses on the dynamic roles of class distinction, ethnic and religious difference, and sexual politics in order to illuminate the intricate ties between language and identity formation.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this...

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