Thursday, January 13, 2022

First moving day for Sister Ellen into my house

 Thank you Lynn for this photo of your lovely kitchen. 

This is from a party scene in the NY Times.

The couple is married but not monogamous. Polyamory is the name. But they seek to broaden their relationship and make new friends. 

Not a bad drawing of you-know-who. She is back and will give the proceeds to a charity of her choice. Be your Best.

Hans Robaud was a great conductor with gifts that are just being discovered. WHY does the Times have such great articles today, it was a long day, Jan 13, Margie Deming's birthday, my former mom/law. 

But this “dream figure” who would “always give the future the benefit of the doubt,” as Boulez wrote, chafed at his formidable reputation.

“I am not a modern music specialist,” Rosbaud told a German newspaper in 1956. “In Aix-en-Provence I am characterized as a Mozart expert; in Munich, I am regarded as a specialist of Bruckner. It is dangerous to classify musicians in this manner.”

Particularly so, for Rosbaud’s own fate. His public stature has never approached the private respect in which musicians held him, in part because of his advocacy for music that has never really caught on. Quiet and scholarly, this “grim, Lincolnesque” man, as a writer once described him, seemed to be the antithesis of a celebrity maestro. His major positions were not with big-name symphonies, but less-prominent radio ensembles. He made few commercial records, superb though those few were. He had no interest in fame.

Few conductors, then, have more to gain from an opening of the vaults. More than 700 of Rosbaud’s performances have been languishing in archives, most of them at SWR, the successor to Southwest German Radio in Baden-Baden, his artistic home after 1948.

Is this Salome on a platter?  No you've got your bible stories mixed up. She wanted John the Baptist's head on a platter.

Sounds rather like the wars in the mideast.

Let's go for a test drive in this ALFA ROMEO. Don't see too many in this parts.

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