British film. Nice snappy dialogue.
Scott just walks in so I figure it's either the boogie man or Zeke.
Zeke comes in and says, A film made in 1959. They're all dead now.
No, I say, they're not all dead.
I'm 71, I say, and I'm not dead.
PopPop is 79, he says.
I'm five and a half, he says.
He looks around the living room.
Careful the tiger doesn't bite you, I say about my stuffed tiger.
He brings me the remains of my Dunkin Donut Coffee.
No thanks, I say.
Why, he asks, is your flower pot outside filled with water?
It used to be snow, I say, but it melted.
Oooh, he says, an insect. Kill it.
Oh, it's a stink bug, I say. No need to kill it, let's just bring it outside.
I drop it far from the house and onto the grass.
First I have him smell it.
Ooh! It stinks, he says.
I drop it.
Where'd it go? he asks.
I dunno, I say.
Then his mom drives by to bring him somewhere.
I spent hours submitting to Pure Slush, I think is the name. Stories and poems can be no longer than 500 words.
Oh, Matt Potter just thanked me for my 6 submissions!
Titles or partial titles thereof include All That Blood - Urge to Call Simon - Harelip - and that's all I remember bc I am tired!
Okay, later in the day. Harriet from our group sent out this amazing video on How Video Games Can Help with Mental Health. View it here.
Starring Eric J. Topol, MD; Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD
And here he is on the Stephen Colbert Show. Be patient. It will show up in about 2 mins after the commercial.
What had I done when I was 48? Fathered a child? Landed on Mars? Baked Blueberry Muffins?
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